Ch. 24

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It was a Saturday morning. 10:30. Today was the Inter-High Preliminaries. Seirin had a match today and you wanted to get ready. It was at noon and you were ready to face Kuroko-kun.

You sigh. "They are so going to scold me when they see me today."

You look at the mirror and see the reflection of yourself. As you went downstairs to get ready to go, you were prepared on what's going to happen today. But.. Your phone started to ring. You thought it was Riko-senpai calling you, so you grab your phone and check who called. You look at the Caller ID and see that it belonged to Sei-tan.

"H-Hello?" you said. "Sei-tan, what's up?"

"Are you free today?" Akashi asks. "I want to meet up."

"Eh? Um.. So-.." You were just about to apologize but Akashi cuts you off.

"Can we meet up?"


"I'll be waiting for you at the station, where you take your ride home. Please come. It's urgent." He hungs up.

"What to do?!" you said, panicking. "If Sei-tan is here at Tokyo, that means he came here a long way! And if its that urgent, he must of come to see me. But today we have a game.. I can't miss it. I have to show up before 12.."

Silence. You thought about it and decided to meet up with Akashi.

11:07. You had made it to the station. "Sei-tan!"

"(Y/N)." he said.

"What's wrong? I'm in a hurry." Akashi suddenly hugs you. "Sei-tan..?"

"I love you." he said. You blush for a second.

"Um.. Sei-tan! Let's go somewhere else! There are many people watching!" you said, looking embarrass. You could hear the old ladies giggling and couples saying aww.


"We'd better be going. Is everyone here?" Riko-senpai said, looking around.

"No, I think we're missing two." Hyuuga-senpai said. "Oh, Kuroko? And-"

"I'm here." a voice said.

"You are?!" Everyone said besides Riko-senpai, looking shock, trying to find where Kuroko-kun was. Kuroko-kun walks up to them.

"Yes, I've been here the whole time." he lied. Kagami-kun notices the sweat on his face but Kuroko-kun tries to look away, hoping that no one would notice.

"No, you're lying this time! You barely made it on time running here!" Kagami-kun said, pointing at Kuroko-kun.

No reply.


"Let's go. We haven't forgotten anything, have we?" Hyuuga-senpai said.

"Wait a minute, where's (Y/N)-chan?" Kuroko-kun asks.

"No, it looks like she isn't here yet." Riko-senpai answers. "I've tried texting her and calling her.."

"Damn it! She's going to run away when we have a match!?" Kagami-kun yells.

"I don't think that's likely. She might be running late. I'll try to call her when we get there." Kuroko-kun denies.

"Okay! Let's go then." Riko-senpai said.


11:50. You guys had stop at a park nearby and talk. You two were sitting on a bench, looking at your surroundings. You could hear the birds chirping, and kids coming to the park to play. It look peaceful, something you haven't seen that often.

"Winter is coming soon." you said, feeling a bit cold. "To think that Autumn has already passed. Your birthday is also coming soon too."

"I would like to spend it with you."

"Sure." you said.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah?" you said, smiling at Akashi.

"I'm in love with you."

"Sei-tan!" you said, standing up with your face looking red.

"Haha, I like to see your embarrass face." he laughs. "But I really do. I'm not here by your side everyday, so I want to tell you that." he gets up from the bench and looks at you. "I know you like Tetsuya and he probably does too, but you two aren't dating right?"

You don't answer him.

"Then.." he hugs you. "I'll make you mine."

"Let go!" You yelled. He lets you go.

"I'm sorry." he said, smiling. "But I won't be apologizing when I take you away from Tetsuya."

"Sei-tan, I'm sorry! I like you but I have feelings for Kuro-tan! I'm still thinking about it so please give me more time!" you bow down, trying not show your face that was bright red.

"So you are thinking about it.. I'm worried. You go to the same school as Testuya. He might be using this advantage and might steal you away from me... I've been feeling worried lately. The next time I see you, you'll probably be standing in front of me with Tetsuya by your side. I only wish you were in Rakuzan with me and look at me. That's why I don't mind using dirty tricks to make you mine." he said, smiling so devil-like but also painful.

'The look on his face.. He can't take it any longer.. But.. I don't know who to choose.. Whose side I really want to be with.. They're both precious people to me.."

"Shall we head somewhere else?" the red hair boy said, smiling. He takes your hand.

For a moment, that you had forgotten about the match. 12:00. The match should be starting soon.. You didn't even notice that your phone was ringing.

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