Ch. 49

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        "Hey, Kagami! Over here! Over here!" Koganei-senpai said. Kagami-kun walks  over to the seat and sat down next to you.

        "Kuroko... You know of a guy named Haizaki?" Kagami-kun asks.

        "Haizaki-kun?" you asks.

        "How do you know that name?" Kuroko-kun asks, sounding a bit surprised.

        "I just met him." Kagami-kun answers.

        "Haizaki-kun.. eh? Could it be Ryouta-kun..?" you see Kise coming onto the court, ready to play.As the match begins, the team watches silently as Haizaki steals the moves from the Kaijou members. "Eh? Number 6 is Haizaki-kun? He changed!"

        "Kuroko, you said before that Kise and Haizaki's skills were slightly different, right?" Kuroko-kun nods and explains how Haizaki does his way of basketball and as he finishes you also made a comment.

        "I never really liked Haizaki-kun back at Teiko. He gives me the creeps. Even though he plays well for the team, I always avoid him by hiding behind Sei-tan or Dai-tan whenever he would like to speak to me. Especially the time when Haizaki-kun took his girlfriend away from Ryouta-kun."

        You grind your teeth at the thought of it.

        "As much as I dislike Hanamiya-san, Haizaki-kun could also be on par with him." you tell them.

        "Things aren't looking to good for Kaijou.." Hyuuga-senpai comments.

        "Haizaki-kun isn't what I'm worried about right now." you look at Kise's legs. 'Dai-tan's match.. Has his legs healed yet?'

        You watch as Kise was on the ground still hasn't gotten up yet. Kuroko stands up while you and Kagami-kun looks at him shocked. "I believe in you, Kise-kun!"

        Your mouth open as you look at Kuroko-kun, standing there proudly. You look at him, thinking how cool he was which led you to turn a reddish color on your cheek. Kise stands up, probably feeling joyous overwhelming him which makes him able to use Perfect Copy.

        "I'll crush you! You thought I wouldn't notice? That you injured your foot!" Haizaki-kun said as he stomps on Kise's foot.

        "He got his foot?!" Kagami-kun asks. You look flustered for a moment. 'Is his legs okay!?'

        You watch as Kise shoots in his final hoop. He sighs making a fist to show Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun but you weren't convinced. You stood up, "I'm going to be back."

        "(Y/N)-chan." Kuroko-kun said, grabbing your wrists. He points at Kise, who seem to be mouthing some words. You were trying to read it out.

        "I'm okay?" you asks. You puff your cheeks, glaring at Kise. "HOW CAN YOU BE OKAY, RYOU-TAN!?"

        "Ryou-tan..?" Kise asks, hearing what you said. He laughs and smiles. 'Let's settle this soon, Kuroko-cchi.'


        "Shoes? They both broke them?" you asks.

        "Yeah, they're going to go on an errand and come later."

        "Sat-tan, is really useful with shoes.. Hey, coach, I'm going to spectate the area, kay?" you asks. "I'll be back before the next match."

        "Hmm, okay." Riko nods.

        'If I'm not wrong, Sei-tan should be playing today.. Who was he playing with again..?'

        "Shutoku?" you asks, seeing Midorima and his teammates walking by. "Sei-tan is playing against Shin-tan?"

        "Yes, is that a surprise?" a voice asks. You turn around to hear that familiar voice. It was Akashi.


        "Hello, (Y/N). Not with Kuroko today?"

        "He isn't here yet. He should be by the time I come back though.." you said, on your guard. Akashi smiles, noticing that you were backing away but the smile fades away quickly.

        "I'm sorry." Akashi-said. "I didn't think about your feelings. Kuroko said that he doesn't know if I don't love you or not but I do. I was a bit anxious and worried after you left with Kuroko. I was scared that you might of chosen Kuroko. In the end, you still don't know though, right?"

        You nod. "My mind is still wavering.."

        "If you choose Kuroko, I understand. I think he would make you smile and happy as well. But I still won't give up on you. You're important to me. That's why take your time thinking about it now. You don't have to worry. I won't force myself on you like I did. I'm sorry for that."

        "I see.. I forgive you." you said, smiling gently.

        "See my match against Shintaro. This time you will be my motivation for this match." You blushed until you caught a glimpse of Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun walking to the lockers.

        "I'll do that then." you smiled. "See ya, Sei-tan!"

        "Oh, it's (L/N)." Kagami-kun said.

        "Hey. Did you guys get your shoes?" you asks. Akashi watches you laughing with Kagami-kun and Kuroko-kun. The red head starts to make his way back to the court for his game against Shutoku and Midorima.

        "Mm." Kuroko nods. He looks behind you, noticing that Akashi was walking to the court alone. He takes a glance at the female, who was laughing. The two boys both had something in their mind, wondering if you had already made up your mind.

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