Ch. 29

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"(Y/N)-chan!" Riko-senpai calls. That was the 10th time she had called you today. "Can you help me fix this regimen?"

"S-Sure." you answer her nervously. 'She seems to be in a good mood today.'

"Let's go hang out today!"

"Senpai, are you okay?" you asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" the coach said, putting her thumbs up.

"(Y/N)-chan. I need to talk to you. Do you have a moment?"

"Huh? Oh s-sure." you said. "Excuse me."

"Oh. Okay. See you later."

'I wonder what he wants to talk about..' you thought, following Kuroko-kun.

"Let's go on the roof if you want to talk alone." you said.

"But.. We can't go there." he said.

"Why not?" you said, tilting your head. You suddenly recalled how the basketball club wasn't able to go on the roof anymore. "I think its fine."


"I got the keys to the roof. Besides I don't think no one will notice." you said, smiling.

As you two go on the roof, you could feel the wind, blowing in your hair. You look at the town. The peaceful town you had always lived in.

"So what did you wanted to talk about?"

"How are things with you and Momoi-san?"


"Kuro-tan.. What brings this up?"

"I don't want (Y/N)-chan to be in pain.." Kuroko-kun answers. "The reason why you were sick was because you've been pushing yourself lately. I don't want that. Its true I want to be your boyfriend and act like what a boyfriend should do... But I don't want you to get hurt, (Y/N)-chan. I can't touch you because of your feelings for Akashi-kun and you current relationship with Momoi-san."

'Kuro-tan noticed?' you flop on the ground. Tears started to fall from your cheeks, but you didn't realize. 'How..? He noticed my feelings.'

"I'm sure Akashi-kun can wait as well." he smiles, kneeling down. He touches your hand and you had finally notices teardrops coming out from your eyes.

"How come?" you ask. "Why do Kuro-tan notices?"

"I wouldn't want to become your boyfriend if I didn't notice feelings." he said. You hug Kuroko-kun catching Kuroko-kun off guard. "IS it okay if we can do this, then?" you asks. He wraps his arms around you. You started to sniff and your cheeks had turn a bright red color. You started crying and Kuroko-kun never left your side.

"Thank you." you said. But Kuroko-kun shakes his head.

"I didn't do anything." the sky blue hair boy said. "That reminds me.."


"What did you wanted to tell me the other day?"

"Huh?" you said, looking at him surprised.

"You said that you always wanted to tell me something.. When I visited you the other day?" You started to recall your "dream" about Kuroko-kun coming to visit you.

'Wait! That wasn't a dream?!' your face had turn bright red. You had remember what you wanted to tell him.

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