You were lurking around Shutoku's gym, hoping to catch a glimpse Midorima and run up to him. You turn around to see Takao standing there, holding a juice bottle.
"Aren't you Shin-chan/tan's friend?" you both said, pointing fingers at each other.
"Are you a Shutoku student now?" Takao asks with a smile on his face.
"I bought it at a tailors. I needed Shutoku's uniform so I can stand out. I don't want to be caught by the teachers." you tell him. You were getting tired of explaining to people about the uniform situation.
Takao started laughing at you. "Pft. You're a certainly an interesting girl." he said, laughing. "Come on! I'll take you to Shin-chan."
"Shin-chan you have a visitor!" You run up to the green hair boy.
"Shin-tan!" you said, smiling at him.
"What's with the uniform?" he asks, not sounding surprised.
"So I can stand out." you smile at him as he readjust his glasses.
"I see." he said. "It doesn't look that bad."
"I'm surprise. Aren't you surprise she isn't transferring or anything like that?" Takao asks, still having a smile on a face but still look amazed.
"It's nothing to be surprised about." Midorima said. "If its (L/N), she would probably do it."
"Hehe." you chuckle, rubbing the back of your head.
"So (L/N). What are you doing here?" Midorima asks. "You know Shutoku has a match against Seirin in a couple of days. Did something happen with Kuroko?"
"Eh? How did you-"
"Know?" Midorima finishes. "Its you. Knowing you, you ran away again."
"..Should I even be here?" Takao asks, chuckling nervously knowing he's a third wheel.
Silence. No one answered him. You make a fist and smile at Midorima.
"Yep! You're right!" you said, smiling. "I ran away, again. But when I'm able to talk to Kuro-tan again, I promise.. I promise.. I won't run away again..!" Midorima looks at you, blankly.
"Yep. If it (L/N).. She would probably do or say something to surprise me."
"..?" you look at Midorima, confused.
"So what do you want from me? You could of visit Akashi or Aomine."
"Hmm? I actually did visit the both of them. I just wanted to see you." Midorima turns around.
"Shin-chan, are you.. embarrassed?" Takao asks, chuckling.
"That's absurb." Midorima lied. "So how's things with Akashi? I was thinking about visiting him soon."
"Ah, its fine, I guess. I visit him the other day, so I might visit him again in a few more days."
"Are you two already-?"
"No!" you replied quickly.
"You guys were always rumored to be a couple back at Teiko. You guys were together a lot too."
"You shouldn't assume." you said.
"..You're right."
"Ahaha, I didn't get what was going on earlier but definitely heard Shin-chan being scolded by a girl." Takao snickers.
"Shut up!" Midorima snaps. You notice that Midorima's fingers were taped.
"You still taped your fingers, I see." you said, chuckling.
"Oha Asa?" you asks. He nods as you smile. "Would you tell me what my lucky items tomorrow?"
"Oi, oi. You collect lucky items too?" Takao asks.
"Huh?" you said, looking at Takao confuse. "Not a much as Shin-tan, but I do."
"What's your name again?" Takao asks with a sweat drop.
"..? (L/N) (Y/N)." you greeted. "Nice to meet you..?"
"Takao. Takao Kazunari." he greeted. "A friend of Shin-chan is a friend of mine!"
"Takao-tan!" you said with a shiny atmosphere around you. You were always happy to make a new friend. He almost fall down when you said that, happily.
"It's what I call my friends. Although Ryota-kun doesn't count." you said.
"Kise." Midorima asks. "Have you visit him yet?"
"I'm thinking about to tomorrow."
"Oi! Midorima! Takao! Time to practice!"
"Oke. Shin-chan, let's go."
"Do you want me to leave Shin-tan?" you asks, ready to go back.
"..Do what you like." you paused for a moment and smile at him. You decided not to go back after all.
"Okay!" you said, following him.

I love... [Akashi x Orphan!Reader x Kuroko]
FanfictionA drama with a sweet romance. You and Momoi both love Kuroko and Akashi has feelings for you. What would happened if Kuroko likes you as well? Who will you choose between the both of them?