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After defeating Seiho, everyone were now up against Midorima and Shutoku. Before the game had begin, you could see Kuroko-kun talking to Midorima. When the game had finally started, the first few minutes, no one would allow the other team to shoot the hoop. Which team will score and will take the first quarter? Midorima shot a three and now the balance has broken. You could see Kuroko-kun still running for some reason. He grabbed the ball and spin two times throwing the ball, which Kagami-kun grabs and shoot the hoop. Due to this, everyone is shock and no one took the first quarter.

Suddenly, Takao had mark Kuroko-kun, and the team had found out that misdirection doesn't work on Takao, which shuts off Kuroko-kun. Later when we were able to get a timeout, everyone had sat down to find a strategy. Kagami-kun, who was worried about Kuroko-kun grabs his head.

"Oi. Don't tell me you're letting them get to you."

"Well I suppose that I don't like it." he said.


"It's okay. I can do it." he said, as the time out finishes.

With the game being so tense, you didn't had much to say. All you can do is hope for them to win. Unlike Momoi and Riko you don't know much about the court. You could only take out and see if someone was getting injured or hurt and you would be able to treat it. It was difficult to you that you couldn't do much.

The team soon found out that the whole court, Midorima can do his long range shooting.. This is going to be hard. As the first quarter ends again, the team sat things out to talk about what the team should do.

"Has he been able to do that?" Riko-senpai asks. You and Kuroko-kun both said no. It was practically the first time you and Kuroko-kun had ever witness Midorima shooting afar. With Takao on the court, Kuroko-kun is still shut down, and with Midorima, no one is able to stop him and his three point shoot. Things are getting tough until you take a glance at Kagami-kun, who had suddenly.. chuckled.

❖❖❖ With Kuroko-kun later on the bench, Kagami-kun was finally able to stop Midorima shots using his jumping ability. But.. this is where you start getting worried. With that many jumps, Kagami-kun is kind of pushing himself. As Midorima finally go one-on-one with Kagami, which of course Midorima who has the ball, shoots leaving Kagami-kun who was unable to stop him due to his leg. The third quarter ends, and everyone took another break.

"Oi. Kagami. Look at your surroundings." said Izuki.

"Yeah that's right. You can't do things alone." Hyuga said. All of a sudden Kagami-kun started saying things that what is the reason to pass? Kuroko-kun went up to him and punches him on the face. Kagami-kun gets angry and grabs Kuroko-kun's shirt.

"Stop it! Please don't fight." you said, trying to calm down Kagami-kun.

"You just saw him hit me!" Kagami-kun said. "Don't protect your boyfriend!" You were shocked when he had said that, you were all furious and fumed a bit. But because of what he said, you didn't say anything more.

"You can't basketball by yourself." Kuroko-kun said, ignoring what Kagami-kun had just said.

"As long as we play nice together, you don't care if we lose? There's no point if we don't win!"

"There's no point if you win by yourself." Kuroko-kun said. This makes Kagami-kun flinch for a second. "You said you wanted to beat the Generation of Miracles, but you're thinking just like them." 'Kuro-tan..' you thought in your head. "If we're able to defeat Shotuku and win, without being able to trust each other, no one will be happy."

"Don't be so naïve!" Kagami-kun said, punching Kuroko-kun.

"Kuro-tan!" you said to him. You went down and looked at his face. You were starting to get even more angry.

"If we don't win, those are nothing more than nice words!" Kagami-kun said.

"Then what is victory?" he ask Kagami. " No matter how many more points you have at the end of the game, if you're not happy, that's not victory." I was a bit shocked to hear Kuroko-kun said that. The team agrees and Kagami-kun apologizes and finally calm down. You were still mad at Kagami-kun but hitting him was had to be done later. Right now, you just have to watch him. ❖❖❖ For a second Takao, lost Kuroko-kun, which allows Kuroko-kun to punch the ball to Kagami-kun. You were happy to see Kuroko-kun able to pass but Kagami-kun is now unable to jump.. For some reason, you were worried. Knowing Kagami-kun and Aomine-kun, comparing those two.. you had that slight feeling, Kagami-kun might jump again. Finally, Hyuga shot a 3 pointer which gives the team 82 to 81 with three seconds to go.

"You haven't won yet." Takao said, throwing the ball at Midorima. 'Oh no!' you thought. 'Kagami-kun is one-on-one with Midorima...! Which means..! Kagami-kun might jump and hurt himself, or Midorima will make that shoot!' You watch as you see Kagami-kun jump, and Midorima had just made a fake! He made the jump which makes him more injured and now the team is going to lose? No..! As you thought that, Kuroko-kun hit the ball away from Midorima. making our team won. Riko-senpai cried tears of joy, whie everyone was happily cheering. You decided to walk up to Midorima.

"Good game, Shin-tan..." his eyes was closed, but you knew he could hear you. Now that Kuroko-kun defeated both Kise and Midorima.. It's not going to be long till we encounter Aomine-kun.. and also.. Momoi..

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