Ch. 40

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        It was dark. You couldn't see anything. What was going on outside? You could hear everyone yelling. Since there was people overlapping, you couldn't tell who was yelling. You suddenly got the bag lift up from your face.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" everyone yelled. You were sitting on a chair and since their yell surprised you, you almost fell back. But Kiyoshi-senpai holds the chair.

"W-What is all this?" you asks. "A party in the gym? It isn't my real birthday though.. How did you guys knew?"

Everyone was smiling as tears started falling from your cheeks. You started to wipe your tears.

"No way.. I can't stop crying. Even though, I promised Kuro-tan.. My tears won't stop falling. But at the same time I feel so happy. Why?" you asks. Kuroko-kun taps you on the shoulder. You realized Kuroko-kun was the one who told everyone as you turn to Riko who wraps her arms around you.

"Happy birthday kohai!" she laughs.

"It's okay (Y/N)-chan. You could cry. I mean not in a bad way.. after all its the tears of joy, right?" Kuroko-kun said, smiling. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)-chan."

"Happy Birthday!" everyone said, going along with it.

Even though you celebrated your birthday at the orphanage and since you dislike celebrating your real birthday because of your orphanage birthdate, you would celebrated your second birthday every year at the birthday. But even so, it was the first time that you felt truly happy and you didn't knew why.

As everyone started to give you presents, the cake was brought out. You were too surprised that you kept wondering if there was another surprised waiting for you. As everyone started to sing happy birthday, you were smiling. There were no longer tears in your eyes. You were just blushing with embarrassment and smiling. You blew on the candle and made a wish. This time it was your own wish not Kuroko-kun's wish on winning the Winter Cup.

The party comes to an end. You and Kuroko-kun decided to go home as everyone cleans up. You felt bad but Riko insisted on the two of you to go home.

"Man, I can't believe we celebrated my second birthday! You guys surprised me so much. Especially the bag part." you said. "Even though, the orphanage wasn't planning for me this year due to money problems, I wasn't expecting this at all. I'm not so much of a party person-"

"But it's your birthday. You should be selfish for once." Kuroko-kun said. "Your birthday is once a year. Even if it is your second birthday, it only happens once. Thank you for the (15 or 16) years that you were born." Kuroko-kun said, smiling. "I'm glad I met someone like you, (Y/N)-chan."

"Enough, Kuro-tan. You're going to make me cry again." you said, feel like crying again. He gives you the stuff animal that you guys couldn't get early, "Isn't this the huskie from the arcade?"

"Yes. I finally got it for you." Kuroko-kun said, smiling.

You noticed the huskie was holding a small box. As you took the small box, you realized the huskie wasn't holding this before. "Is this yours, Kuro-tan?"

"No. It's your birthday gift." Kuroko-kun answers. You opened it to see a ring inside. Your face turns bright red.

"Kuro-tan! I can't accept something like this! It's too much! How much was it? No! No! I can't accept this." you said, giving him back the box, still looking embarrassed. You noticed Kuroko-kun was looking sad. You flinch and took the box back. "You win, Kuro-tan. I'm really happy. I'll cherish this forever."

"Can I put it on for you?" Kuroko-kun asks. You nod. He puts the ring on as you smile. There was a hidden secret behind that ring. Yes, it was a birthday present but it was also....

Kuroko-kun blushes but it quickly goes away as he sees Akashi in front of the orphanage's door. "Ah! Sei-tan! What are you doing here?" you turn around to Kuroko-kun, who doesn't move. "Are you going now, Kuro-tan?"

"Yeah." he said, smiling.

"Thank you so much Kuro-tan." you said, smiling. "This day was very special because of you."

"Thank you, too." Kuroko-kun said, walking away without saying goodbye. But you didn't mind. You didn't want to say good-bye to this wonderful day either.

"You guys look like a couple already." Akashi said, smiling. You look down and then to him.

"Why are you here, Sei-tan?" you asks as Akashi pull a bouquet that he was hiding behind his back

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)." he said.

"Thank you!" you said, happily. "I've had too much surprises today."

"You don't say?" he asks. "I'm glad you're happy."

"It's already bad enough that I wished today was my actual birthday!" you laughed. Akashi pats your head and smiles.

"Sorry. I have to take my leave." Akashi said, giving you a peck on the cheek. "Happy Birthday (Y/N)."

You wave goodbye as your cheeks turn red. You suddenly receive a text message, making you snap out of your day dream. You look at the total message.

4 unread message.

Ryouta-tan(yes not kun but tan): HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)-CCHI!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD ONE!! (≧∇≦)/

Shin-tan: Today is your birthday, right? Happy Birthday.

Murasaki-tan: Do you have cake? hbd

Dai-tan: Happy Birthday. xP Satsuki says happy birthday too.

You laugh at their text. They weren't here today but it felt like it. Just two simple, "Happy Birthday" was the best gift ever. You started to type thank you to everyone. You see Aomine-kun's last message with Momoi saying happy birthday as well. Now that your birthday past, its time for you to talk things to Momoi. You added something in your text.

You: Thanks Dai-tan! ^O^ Tell Satsuki-tan, thanks and let's meet up tomorrow.

A/N: Next chapter is finally the drama! All happiness must come to an end sometimes! Totally can't wait to write it! Anyway Thanksgiving is here so I wanted to thank you guys for reading this all the way, including the ones who are still catching up. Thank you so much for sticking with me.

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