Ch. 53-5

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"Good morning, Kuro-tan!" you said, walking up to the dumbfounded sky blue hair boy.

        "..Kuro-tan?" he asks, confused, with a sweatdrop coming down.

        "It's what I call my friends!" you tell him. You heard footsteps walking behind you and one of your so-called friends, coming up to the female and "accidently" bump into you.

        "Did I hear right? You made a friend?" the female look at the shadow and chuckles in her head, thinking how pathetic. "You can hang out with him from now on then."

        "I'm sorry for not being a better friend." you tell her without turning back. You could only hear a grunt from the female but she silently left without saying another word. "Anyway w-what are you doing for lunch, Kuro-tan?"

        "I'm going to eat first and then spend the rest of the time at the library."

        "Is it really okay to hang out with you?"

        "It's fine (L/N)-san." Kuroko-kun said. You looked at him with a smile on your face--a different type of smile--a smile where she was so shocked that she was faking it.


        "Did I get your last name wrong?"

        "N-No.. Just that it's (L/N)-san." you answered, still looking scary with that smile of yours. "-chan. Call me -chan."


        "(Y/N)-chan." you said with a sharp glare. You eyes were shiny that even Kuroko-kun had step back a bit, feeling overwhelm.

        "(Y-Y/N)-" he sighs. "Can I please not call you by your first name..?"

        "Please?" you asks, looking at him with puppy eyes. He looked at your eyes for a moment and looked away feeling slightly embarrassed. After all it was the puppy look, who would refuse them?

        He again tried to say your name but gave up half way, "I can't do this. Try calling me by my first name then."

        "Eh!?" you yelled, surprised. "N-No. Nononono no way."

        "See?" You puff your cheeks. 'It was T-Tetsuya-kun, right..?'

        "Tetsuya." you said on first try. He looks at you and then looks away. Damn. You giggled. "Now you."

        "(Y-Y/N)-" He sigh once again. "(Y/N)-chan."

        "Thank you." you said, smiling. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't push you."

        "No, it's fine." he shakes his head and looks the other way, "It might take time though."

        "Take all the time you need. Just don't refer to me as -san." the female giggled.


Ch. 54

        "Kuro-tan, what kind of books do you like?"

        "Any type of literature." he answers. "Most of them are intriguing."

        "Oh, have you read this one?" you asks, with a tiptoe. You had tried to reach the book though your height wasn't able to let you reach it. Kuroko-kun sees you struggling and just when he sees the female about to fall, he grabs you just in the nick of time before you did fell and hit the bookshelf.

        "You okay?" he asks. His blue colored orbs look straight to yours. You guys were so close to each other that you feel each other breath.

        "Y-Yeah." you said, surprised, stepping back. You looked at him nervously, shifting your head to something else.

        "You should be more careful. I'll go grab a step ladder. Wait here." he said, leaving the female, blushing with a confused look on her face. As he came back, you stared at the sky blue hair boy as he got the book for you. "Is this the one?"


        You nod, not saying a word. He comes down from the step ladder and gives you the book. "T-Thanks."

        "It's no problem." he smiles. You give him back the book.

        "This is for you to read. It's a really good book so you must try it." you tell him. He nods.

        "I'll be sure to read it then." You give him a smile as the silent atmosphere began to be awkward.



        "You can do magic tricks, Kuro-tan?" you asks, with a shiny look on your face. "Show me a trick."

        "Hold up." he said, holding a penny. You thought he was going to do the penny trick but just when he made it disappeared, a flower had came out of his hand.

        "Woahh!" you said, sounding surprised. "That's so cool."

        "Oi." someone said.

        "Oh. Aomine-kun." you looked at the ace for a moment, "Did something happen?"

        "Nothing really. Just wanted to hang out. Seems like you're busy with a girl though." his eyes shift towards you.

        "N-No. It's okay. You guys can hang out. I'll be um- working on my homework." you said, packing up your stuff. Kuroko-kun grabs your wrist.

        "Wait, (Y/N)-chan." You looked at him surprised. It was the first time he called your name like that, that you stopped and slightly blush, "This is Aomine-kun. Aomine-kun, (L/N)-chan."

        "Aomine Daiki." he said, ready to shake your hand. You were hesitant to shake his hand and glance at Kuroko-kun for help. Kuroko-kun only looked away moving his head, gesturing you to talk to him.

        "(L/N) (Y/N).." you said, accepting his handshake. His hand felt big was the first thing that came to mind. 'This is Kuro-tan's friend.. He might be okay, right? If its Kuro-tan's friend then maybe I want to be friends with him too.'


        "He's my friend. I hope you two get along."

        "Eh." Aomine-kun said, confused.

        "I met Aomine-kun from the basketball team. He may be a bit rowdy and a little hard to deal with but you can trust him." Kuroko-kun tells you with a smile.

        "Oi..." Aomine-kun said, with a sweatdrop, feeling as if he was lost in the conversation.

        "Wait a minute. You play in the basketball team, Kuro-tan?" you asks, tilting your head.

        "Oh. I didn't tell you?"

        "I'm surprised." you said, "You didn't look like an athletic person to me."

        "Yeah, I know right." Aomine-kun agrees. Kuroko-kun hits him on the hips. "Ow!"

        "Aomine-kun, you have that your childhood friend.. The manager.." Kuroko-kun whispers in his ear.

        "You mean Satsuki?" he whispers back. You couldn't hear the conversation but you could of sworn you heard the word "manager" coming out of Kuroko-kun's mouth.

        "Yeah. Do you think you can introduce (Y/N)-chan to her?" Kuroko-kun asks.

        "I guess." he whispers, "So can we hang out?"

        'Manager, eh? Is that a position from the basketball team?'

        As everyone have their own thoughts and goals, Akashi hits a shogi piece on the board-- "I won again..." --waiting for fate to start ticking.


Reader-chan finally gets to meet the famous Akashi-kun but runs into trouble.

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