Ch. 27

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"Jeez! Why did it have to rain today of all days!?" you said. You look around to see if anyone had an umbrella. You saw Kuroko-kun holding an umbrella, talking to Kagami-kun. You smile and ran up to them calling the sky blue hair boy's name.

"(Y/N)-chan." he said.

"I forgot to bring my umbrella! Is it okay if I could walk with you home?" you ask.

"Sure, I don't mind." Kuroko-kun answers. "But.. Kagami-kun forget his too."

You look at him, shock. When Kagami-kun saw that, he look confused and look shock as well.

"What are you looking at me like that for?!" he asks.

"What kind of idiot forgot his umbrella?!" you yelled back.

"Doesn't that mean you're an idiot, too?!" Kagami-kun points.

"At least I'm not a baka, Bakagami!" you yelled.

"Let's go." the shadow said.

"Kay!~" you said, cheerfully, ignoring Kagami-kun.

"Oi! Don't call me Bakagami!"


"Kagami-kun." Kuroko-kun said. "I'm getting wet."

"You shouldn't be talking! My shoulder is getting soaked!"

You were in between Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun. You started to feel bad since you were the only one who isn't wet.

"Well this umbrella is meant for only two people." the shadow said.

"Whose house is the closest and whose house is the farthest?" you ask.

"Mine should be the closet." Kuroko-kun said.

"I don't know where you two live but I'm sure that my house is far." Kagami-kun answers.

"Let's stop by at Kuro-tan's house then."


"The rain is getting heavier." you said.

The three of you have made it to Kuroko-kun's house. His parents was home and his grandma was sleeping upstairs. You actually felt nervous since this was the first time that you went to Kuroko-kun's house. You couldn't even move from the doorstep. Kagami-kun was already taking a shower and Kuroko-kun was trying hard to convince you to go inside and sit down but you weren't moving.

"Well, I just called mom and she said Kagami-kun can stay for the night." he said. "You should really come inside."

"N-No thanks." you said, smiling with your cheeks slightly pink. "I'm going now, so you don't need to worry."

"Already? You can stay for dinner though."

"I have to study when I get home. I also need to work on the regimen, so I can't."

"Do you want to borrow an umbrella?"

"No. It's raining again tomorrow and you're going to need it." you said. "See you later."

"Let me get you a jacket."

"No thanks!" you said, already running in the rain.


"Did (L/N) already leave?" Kagami-kun asks, drying his hair with the towel. Wao. What a bad timing.


"(Y/N)-chan is skipping again?" Riko-senpai asks.

"No." Kuroko-kun objects. "She caught a fever."

"(L/N) is sick?" Izuki-senpai asks.

"Let's go visit her then!" Koganei-senpai suggests.

"But what about practice?" Furi asks.

"All athletics needs a break sometimes." Riko-senpai said.

"We can skip it for today and go to (L/N)'s house house." Kiyoshi said, smiling.

"Kuroko. You're the only one here who knows where she lives, right?" Hyuuga-senpai asks. "I guess you can lead the way then."


"Alright, let's go!!" Riko-senpai said, sounding excited. In fact, she might be the only who is really, really excited to go to (Y/N)'s house.

'Oh boy...' the shadow thinks.

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