Ch. 57

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You woke up to see Kuroko-kun right in front of you. "Kuro-tan." His cheeks were a little red. You got up, feeling your head still in pain. "Ow.. What happened?"

        "Are you okay, (Y/N)-chan? You overworked yourself too much."

        "That's right, I-"


        The one who opened the door was Akashi-kun. He had carry you bridal-style for everyone to see. One of the girls who locked you up went straight to Akashi.

        "Oh. Ono. Make sure you and your friend aren't welcome here starting today. I appreciate for all you done but it's time for you to pack up and leave."

        "It's not what it seems..! Akashi-san! Ugh! That girl!" Ono cries. While he carry her to the infirmary, Kuroko-kun and the rest of the boys who was finished dressing up ended up watching Akashi holding the female.

        "If I see (L/N) washing someone's gym clothes again, I'll make sure to see a punishment."

        'Clothes?' Kuroko thought. '(Y/N)-chan...?'

        Kuroko-kun ran to the infirmary, where Akashi had already left. Kuroko-kun looks at the girl, sweating. He clenches his hands. The thought of Akashi helping you, carrying bridal-style made him felt uneasy. The face that he had been thinking about himself, not realizing you were pushing yourself made him felt sad. He wipe off the sweat off of your cheeks. His eyes couldn't stop staring at you. His heart was thumping fast. Before he realize it, he had landed in for a kiss.


        "Where's Akashi-kun? I should thank him."

        "He already left. Besides you need to rest. I'll wait here so you I'll take you home."


        "No buts."

        "Fine." you pouted.


       "(Y/N)-chan, you're an orphan?"

        "Yeah." you smiled sadly, answering the shadow's question, sheepishly. You sat down on the sofa, smiling sadly. Kuroko-kun had taken you home and just found out you were an orphan. The shadow had question himself. He didn't knew a thing about you and you overwork yourself this much."I didn't mean to keep it a secret."

        "No, it's fine."

        "I've been keeping a steady part-time job but-"

        "(Y/N)-chan." Kuroko-kun said.


        "Please quit your job." he begs. The shadow looks straight at the ground, his hand wrapped up in a fist. "I don't want (Y/N)-chan to overwork herself again like today. Please quit your part time job or the team."

        'I didn't knew anything...' he clenches his hands and sat down next to you, looking depressed.

        "Kuro-tan.. I got it. I'll quit my job." you lied. 'Sorry Kuro-tan. I know you're worried but I need a little more money at the moment for the orphanage. But I need a little money at the moment for the orphanage. But I'll cut hours. So don't worry for me.'

        You had touch Kuroko-kun's hand. When you did, the shadow had realized something. 'Her hand feels hot. I'm such an idiot. I even kissed you back there too.. I'm such a coward...'


        After alot of rests, you started going back to school. One day, when you were walking home, coincidentally, Akashi was also walking home on that day. Akashi was just strolling around until he encounters someone getting picked up.

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