Ch. 59

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You were in a daze. It's been at least a week since Momoi had told you the news about her crush. Due to that, Momoi has been clinging onto the shadow more than she usually does. You avoided the two, seeing how they were so happy. Inside, you did felt a little hurt. You woke up to  the daydream you were having of seeing Kuroko and Momoi together, when  you had spotted the sky-blue haired boy talking to Aomine. Just when you were about to call out their name, someone covers your eyes.

        "Eh? Is this Murasaki-tan? Mido-tan wouldn't do something like this. Satsuki-tan?" you waited for a response. Who was it, you wonder? You took a moment to think about it, "Sei-tan?"

        "Yes?" he removes his hands off of eyes, backing away. His eyes were glancing towards Kuroko and Momoi who had stopped clinging onto him, fangirling to herself. It was safe. He looks at you, remaining very calm as usual. "Are you going home?"

        "Yeah." you nodded. "Do I have to stay?"

        "No, it's fine for today." Akashi answers. "I'm going to have a talk with coach. Go home safe, okay?"

        "Yeah. Thanks for the concern, Sei-tan." you smiled. You turn around and walk up to Kuroko-kun and all of your friends that had also just got there. You went up to Momoi first, smiling at her. 'I want to tell Satsuki-tan..'

        "Hey, (Y/N)-cchi, we're going to get some ice cream. Want to tag along?"

        "Thanks for the offer, Ryouta-kun but I'm going to walk back with Satsuki-tan." you smiled, rejecting his invite. As you and Momoi said your goodbyes, you see Momoi walking up to her friends. "Satsuki-tan." wanting to stop her. You wanted to tell her about Kuroko-kun, or at least tell her that you too, have someone you like.

        "What's wrong, (Y/N)-chan?" You blinked, realizing that you were dazing again.

        "Wouldn't it be great if days were like this?" you smiled, sadly, not wanting to tell Momoi after all about Kuroko-kun.

        "If you want to go with them, you can." Momoi tells you. "I just have to hand these in. Don't worry about me."



        'I understand completely why she would like Kuro-tan. He's warm. His gentleness, the way he so serious towards basketball.. Hardworking, and so much more that even I can't explain in words why he's so amazing. I understand why Satsuki-tan feels this way. That's why..'

        "Never mind." you shake your head, thinking sadly how you weren't able to tell her. "Wait up, you guys." Momoi smiles as she turns back to meet up with her other manager friends. 'I'll give up on Kuro-tan. So I don't need to make Satsuki-tan worry or feel sad.'


        "(Y/N)-chan. Let's walk home together."

        "No, it's fine. You walk home with Daiki-oniitan." Kuroko-kun shakes his head.

        "I want to go meet up with the kids at the orphanage." you were just about to refuse but he walks ahead that makes you feel happy that you just couldn't give up on Kuroko-kun, "(Y/N)-chan did I do something wrong to make you hate me?"

        'No! I don't hate you! Kuro-tan is a very important person to me. What makes you say that?" you asks, looking at him with concern.

        "Lately, I have this feeling that (Y/N)-chan has been avoiding me." You looked at him surprised. "It's a relief to hear you say you don't hate me."

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