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IN HIS time since leaving Outset, Link had been lauded, held up as someone noteworthy. Someone that stood out from others. 

Never had he felt this more than he did now.

Entering into the large Rito city, the hundreds there knelt before him on one knee, their eyes not bowed, but firmly on him. It felt slightly unsettling in one part of him - not just as his natural response to being stared at, but also the praise they directed at his character.

Another part of his mind however felt something different. Joy. Pure joy. He felt the gratitude and hope in these people. He had seen their suffering, and had been able to deter it, at least for now. It felt strengthening, empowering. It was not a feeling of pride, but of confidence. It was a feeling that he could make a difference.

Komali and his father walked slowly up to Link. He realized that them and Tetra were the only ones not kneeling. Link hoped that she wasn't offending the Rito.

"Link of Outset," the king said in a calm voice, but one that carried through the natural hall, "wind waker, champion of Farore... our people kneel before you as a sign of respect. Though we fly above the Hylians and the Gorons, we lower ourselves to the earth in reverence. We keep our eyes fixed on you, and the divine forces you represent."

The king more firmly looked in Link's eyes, and then he and his son went down on a knee as well. Link saw the Rito man's eyes grow wet with tears.

"You have saved our home," he said, "and possibly countless lives. We will be in your debt for as long as you live."

Link suddenly felt emboldened. He felt a vigor in him. A stirring. A call to action.

"Stand," Link said.

All the Rito stood in a smooth, motion.

"I have judged myself as someone of little worth," he said. "I considered myself a boy of little importance to the goddesses. But they have made me into something more. They have taken what I am capable of, and they have been able to use my meager efforts to accomplish their needs."

Link took out the wind waker, holding it for them all to see.

"In the days ahead, all that I ask of you, to repay for what I have done, is to keep the fight against Ganondorf, and his evil. He will not stop. You will face hardship in the wake of this disaster. But the goddesses will support you, no matter who you are. They will not make your lives easy, but they will make you strong, and bring you moments of joy."

The Rito all looked upon him expectantly. He didn't have anything more to say. 

"And soon, our tribulation," he said, "of a thousand years will end. I... I am going to face Ganondorf, and defeat him once and for all."

At this, the entire crowd erupted in cheers. Link heard his name chanted in praise, but thankfully, most of the worded cheering seemed to be praising the goddesses.

The king then turned to the crowd, and began giving speaking more on what the people needed to do regarding returning to their homes, and promising that they would not go hungry. Life would be difficult for their kind. All their fields had been flooded with ash. If their crop was unsalvageable, it could mean great suffering for many.

Link truly hoped that the Goddesses would support them, as he had said.

But for now, Link took the King's speaking as an opportunity to withdraw out of the main city, and into the hallway where they had entered.

"Thank you Link," Medli said, following him in. "I... I can't express... just how in awe I am."

"Speaking honestly," Link admitted, "it wasn't nearly as difficult as before when I saved Valoo. I almost didn't think to use the wind waker."

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