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OUTSET APPEARED on the horizon two days later, after the great sea had been lit up by the stars. Link couldn't actually see the island, but he now had his stargazing book again, and was making ample use of the chapter on navigation.

Link placed Aryll's telescope to his eye, just barely making out a dark blot blocking out stars. He came close to the island, and steered around the steep cliffs at its back, something he didn't see too much.

"Where do you think it is?" Link asked the King of Red Lions.

"There is a relief carved into the stone," the King noticed.

Link looked closer in Aryll's telescope, and found that he was right. There was a faint archway carved into it, with wave-like swirls decorating the inside of the arch. He pulled them closer, and put out the anchor. Turning the swivel cannon to the side, Link slid the cannonball in, finding with satisfaction that it did in fact fit.

Taking a flint and steel that was in the gun's part of the locker, he struck the fuse, and aimed.
The boat lurched backward, and the cannon thundered. A second later, the loud sound of it striking the stone dropped off a large chunk of rock. After firing another blast, Link caused the entire archway to collapse, revealing a cave.

The sight of it made him weary. He was extremely sick of caves and dark, dangerous places.

However, he sighed in relief that he had found a way forward again, pulled out the windwaker, and directed the wind to give them a slight breeze into the cave.

"Stop," the King said once they'd traveled for a minute or so inside.

Link dropped the anchor. A large ripple came through the water. The boat rose with the wave, and rose higher with a second ripple. Instead of a third ripple, there was instead a large splash, and a dark shape burst from the water.

Link shielded his face with his arm, barely keeping the water from hitting his face. After a few moments, the water settled.

It was a fish, with a strange antenna coming out of its head that had a glowing light at its tip. The light illuminated the surrounding cave, revealing the fish's large eyes. The fish spoke.

Link wasn't even surprised by these things anymore. However, its speaking was in an unfamiliar language. Ancient Hylian, he was sure, the same language the great deku tree had spoken in when he first met him.

"Yes Jabun," the King of Red Lions said, understanding the words, "we did travel to Greatfish Isle."

Jabun spoke again.

"Jabun says that he fled here with the pearl," the King explained.

More speaking. Light came from beneath the water. A small ripple released a levitating blue orb.

"Nayru's Pearl," Link observed.

"Yes," the King of Red Lions said, "Lord Jabun offers it to you."

"Thank you," Link said, the blue tinted globe floating into his hands. Like the others, it had an emblem engraved in the front. The emblem had three circles in a triangle shape, reminiscent of the Triforce. It also reminded him though, of the fact that he'd now done it. He could now gain access to the blade of evil's bane. The master sword.

Water-like smoke roiled within the interior of the glass, crashing up against the sides of the sphere like breaking surf.

"Jabun says that Ganondorf did indeed destroy the island," the King informed, "he was able to feel the pressure of the dark one's magic."

"What should I do now that I have the emblems of the Triforce?" Link asked.

"You must go to three small isles," the King instructed, "isles that form the points of a gigantic triangle. Once you place the Pearls within their keyholes on each of these isles, it will open the way for you to proceed."

"Will I be able to get the Pearls back?" Link asked, remembering Komali.
"Yes," the King said. "Once the gate is open, the keys may be returned to their owners."

Thank goodness. Jabun descended back beneath the water.

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