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A LOUD THUNDER boomed across the entire island, making Link fall to the ground

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A LOUD THUNDER boomed across the entire island, making Link fall to the ground.

Having just barely gotten out the door, Link stood up and searched for the source of the sound. His eyes caught the sight of a cloud of dust rising from the cliff face to the right of their house.

A rock slide? But why would -
A loud splash caught his attention.
He turned his eyes towards the ocean, and the sight made his legs quiver.

A ship.

A pirate ship.

Link ran over to join the others.
They weren't interested in the ship though. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.

A gigantic bird flew overhead, so large it masked the noonday sun.
The islanders began to rush to their homes to grab whatever means of defense they could find, while others gathered the children and fled for shelter.

Link watched another rock fly from a catapult on the pirate ship, then covered his ears as the projectile collided with trees high above in the forest, causing an ear-splitting cracking sound.

Dad had run inside and retrieved his bow, as had Mesa. Link didn't know if they would be able to do anything against the bird, since it was so high in the air.

Link reached back behind him and rested his hand on the pommel of his sword. Utterly useless. A melee weapon was ineffective against something that could fly.

The pirate ship grew dangerously close to the island. Some pirates aboard dropped the anchor, but it was still running quickly towards shore. The ship's catapult launched another rock towards the bird, and this time, it found its target.

A piercing screech pounded against Link's eardrums. As his ears rang, Link noticed something fall from the bird's claws into the forest at the top of the island.

Was that... a person?

The bird plummetted behind the island and disappeared from view.
Somehow, the pirates managed to maneuver the ship along the pier and bring it to a halt. The armed islanders ran to the ship.

Link however, kept his eyes on the forest. The bird would be back any second if it hadn't been killed, and it might just kill the person it had dropped.

Link thought a moment. Should he go up there? He couldn't let someone die even if they were a pirate. Maybe if he protected the person, the pirates would be persuaded to leave the island in peace.

Link took off as fast as he could for the other side of the island, and made it up to where he had been earlier.
The wind kicked up and he tugged on his cap tighter, the cap's pointed tip whipped in the wind.

Link looked across the worn rope bridge that connected the two upper plateaus of the island. The bridge was very old, and was missing several planks. Link sucked in a deep breath, and ran onto the bridge.

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