LINK WAS left to himself as the crew made ready to leave. He didn't feel like talking to any of them, and he thought it better not to bother them anyway. So, he sat quietly near the prow of the ship.

He tried hard not took toward the island. The ship, named The Shrewd Scout, was mostly made of dark wood, with a single large mast and sail. It was very old looking, with weathered wood. It was also the largest he had seen in person, though he had seen engravings in books of larger vessels.

The actions of the pirates were unfamiliar to him. He was used to smaller boats like dad's fishing boat that could be easily maneuvered.

He'd studied a bit about the workings of sailing, and he himself had become fairly able at sailing the small fishing boats they used on the island. It was obvious though that the pirates didn't adhere to usual sailing practices.

The one pirate, Gonzo, was going through some bundles of thick braided rope. He glanced about him, then took a knife and cut through several cords of the rope.

Link stared at him with a quizzical expression, and Gonzo silently placed a finger to his lips.

"Not a word," Gonzo whispered.

"What are you -"

Gonzo placed a finger to his lips again.

The rope... Gonzo had told Tetra it had been damaged, and that was why... why they were going north toward Windfall.

"Why are you helping me?" Link asked.

"Because I'm in the business of sparing people's lives," he replied, "and we need a reason to get you in a position where you can do that."

He walked away and said no more.

Link felt the boards groan beneath his feet, and the ship began a hard turn to port. Link walked to the edge of the deck, and clutched some rigging.

He stared out at the island. His mind felt adrift, like his thoughts couldn't fully process what was happening.
He was leaving home for the first time in his life.

As he waved goodbye to his family and friends, he was able to see more and more of the island, until all of it was in his view.

Though marred by the terrible circumstances, the landscape was beautiful, illuminated by the afternoon sun. Never had Link seen it like this, a patch of green, in a quilt of rich, sparkling blue.

But as long as Aryll was gone, it was a tainted beauty, a hollow one. Unless he brought Aryll home, it would not be home again.

As the minutes passed into an hour, the island became a haze on the horizon. A pain, more mental than physical, came across Link. His island was only a memory. In the face of this vast, churning expanse, it was nothing.

"I can tell you're only going to get more sentimental from here on out."

Link turned around to find Tetra smugly lying on the ship's prow, resting her back on some rigging.

"Are you already trying to get me to turn around?" Link remarked.

"Hey," Tetra stood up, grabbing the rigging for support, "you said it, not me. If you want to turn around, it's not too late. I'll even pull the ship close enough to the island that you'll be able to swim back."

She laughed at her own joke, then walked away.

What a pleasant girl.

Link looked to the little sack that his parents had made for him. He opened it up. Inside, he found The Stargazer's Guide, along with some assorted food items. Link made a slight smile upon seeing some skippyjack jerky. He felt something at the bottom of the sack.

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