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LINK WALKED up to the King of Red Lions with the scarlet glass globe in hand. The red smoke-like substance inside seemed to burn like a fire in all directions, though other times it moved like sand in an hourglass. It had a wave-like emblem etched on its surface that Link did not recognize.

"You obtained Din's Pearl," the King of Red Lions said.

"Yeah," Link frowned, "you never said it would be so difficult."

"True," the King said, "but I never said it would be easy. Or in-between. It was your choice to decide how to get it."

"If I were a worse person," Link reasoned, "I could've just stolen it."

"Yes," the King said, "but you did not."

"Was that some...test?" Link asked.

"I have no need to test you," the King said. "Though the goddesses watch over all things."

"What are you saying?" Link asked, growing a bit impatient again.

"How did you obtain Din's Pearl?" the King asked.

"I killed a creature that was causing harm to Valoo," Link explained.

The King of Red Lions silently waited for Link to continue.

"Prince Komali is the owner of the pearl," Link added. "He was not happy when I asked for it."

"Yet you did not steal it, or otherwise obtain it fraudulently," the King stated.

"Yes," Link said.

"You had the strength to respect someone's choice," the King said, "and instead persuade them."

"Yes," Link answered again.

The King of Red Lions said nothing more. Link looked over at the horizon. The sun was setting.

He decided to sleep in the boat. He felt confident he'd be safe anchored on the shore. The storm had passed, and the sunset painted brilliant colors as it passed through the remnants of the storm clouds.

He walked up closer to the King of Red Lions, and dropped his things on the deck.

After returning to the Rito's caves, they had fed him, and when Medli learned that he was travelling without a bedroll, she'd forced him to take one.

She'd also been the one who requested he be fed. And given a sack of provisions. And a canteen. And treated his burns.

It seemed since she was Komali's servant she had developed an attitude of making sure that people were taken care of. It certainly relieved him though. The earlier nights of sleeping on those other islands, and drinking their questionable water hadn't sat well with him. He was also grateful for her burn salve.

Link laid down his new bedroll on the deck and put his other things in the boat's locker. After determining that everything was in order, Link went to sleep.

The next morning, Link woke up, and after eating some food, he made ready to leave.

"Where do I need to go next?" Link asked, preparing the sail.

"The Forest Haven," the King of Red Lions informed him.

Link retrieved his map, and found his destination was due south. He raised the sail, and found to his dissatisfaction that it sagged limply, flapping only slightly.

He wetted his finger, and tested the wind. The wind blew to the north, and it wasn't even blowing very hard.
He sighed.

"What seems to be the problem?" The King of Red Lions inquired.

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