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WARM SUNLIGHT streamed down upon his skin. He felt the wood of Outset's lookout tower beneath him.

No, not the lookout tower, it was the crow's nest on the pirate ship. He felt the wood rock beneath him to the rhythm of the ocean. It had all been a terrible dream.

No. It wasn't that either.

The rocking beneath him was not the rocking of a large ship's mast, high above the deck.

Link opened his eyes. He saw a natural ceiling above him, formed by the underside of a rock face.

Memories returned to his mind. He had gotten to Aryll, and then the Helmaroc had gotten him. Now... where was he?

Link achingly sat up, his back hurting. He was on the shore of an island, sitting in a boat. The boat sat in an open rock enclosure in the cliff-side of an island.

He looked over himself. All of his clothing, Aryll's telescope, and even his sword and shield were still with him. He didn't feel like he was dead, so what happened?

Link turned around, facing the back of the small boat's figurehead. There was no one here. How did he get here? He saw no sign of the fortress, the pirates, or anyone.

"You're awake."

Link glanced from side to side, but he could not locate the voice.

"Who said that?" Link asked.

Link turned back to the front of the boat, and to his unbelievable surprise, the figurehead of the boat turned to face him, as though alive, revealing a carved red face.

Link was speechless, his eyes widening.

"There is no need to be afraid," the carved face said.

It resembled the face of an animal, though what animal it was Link couldn't tell. The living figurehead blinked its painted wooden eyes.

"What is your name?" The figurehead asked.

"Uh, um," he stuttered, "Link."

Of all the things Link had done in his life, none of them had been as strange as talking to a boat. Perhaps he was dead. Things like this did not belong in the world of mortals.

"Link," the boat repeated thoughtfully. "Well Link," it went on, "I shall introduce myself. I am the King of Red Lions, the only vessel upon all the Great Sea which speaks the words of men."

" can you talk?" Link said, mesmerized by the strangeness of it all.

"I was enchanted long ago in ancient times," it responded, "and now I have come forth once again. I came to your aid."

"I... I...I did not call you," Link said, confused.

"Your call," the King of Red Lions replied, "is not the one I answer. I answered the voice upon the waters of the Great Sea, and I was led to you."

Link stared at the red face of his rescuer. This was... very peculiar. He wasn't sure if he had gone completely mad yet, but if he hadn't already, he certainly would soon.

"Where have you taken me?" Link asked.

"To Windfall island," the King of Red Lions answered, "it is a large island of many inhabitants."

"I've heard of Windfall," Link stated, trying not to sound rude. Everyone knew about the island.

He was trying not to sound rude.

To a ship.

Now he had gone mad.

"Why had you traveled to the forsaken fortress?" the King asked.

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