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"YOU WANT to come on our ship?"

"Yes," Link replied to Tetra, trying to maintain his composure.

"I don't think you realize what you're up against kid," Tetra replied, "that bird was the largest helmaroc I've ever seen. The only reason my crew went after it was because it got me."

"Yes," Link said, "and the only reason I'm going after it is because it has my sister."

"They were already in the ship when the helmaroc got me," Tetra said. "The bird is long gone this time."

"Where were you when the bird captured you?" Link asked her.
The man that had been with Tetra before, Gonzo, spoke up.

"We were near an abandoned pirate fortress," he said. "The helmaroc appeared to roost there. We don't know why it went after Tetra, helmarocs usually are only aggressive if you go near their nests."

"We are not going back there," Tetra said. "Besides the possibility of incurring the wrath of our helmaroc friend, it's completely out of our way, and we have no time to be a passenger service."

"Actually Tetra," Gonzo said, contradicting her, "we need to go to Windfall."

"For what?" Tetra asked.

"When we were coming in to dock here," Gonzo stated, "there was some intense stress on the anchor ropes, as well as on the rudder."

"Do we have any usable rope that will help support the anchors?" Tetra asked.

"Yes," Gonzo said, "but we'll have to go extra to each anchor. They also won't last more than a couple of uses."

Tetra glanced back at Link with disdain.

"So you're suggesting we drop off our little stowaway fish on the way there?"

Link bit his lip to avoid showing his frustration.

"We get the kid to the fortress," Gonzo said, "get the ship fixed while he's there, then come back and get him."
"Gonzo," Tetra said, "I really don't care abou -"

"You're the reason Aryll is gone," Link interjected furiously. "If you hadn't -"

"Your sister got taken," Tetra retaliated, "because she was being stupid and -"

Link drew his sword from its sheath, and was immediately struck to the ground.

Link's parents had been standing off to the side until now, but now Link heard the sound of an arrow being nocked.

Tetra glared down at him with a knife in her hands, and had connected her blade with his, holding him to the ground.

Link had thought he was a decent swordsman, but... this was humiliating. Stopped. By a knife.

"Put...down...the weapon," Link's dad said.

The pressure holding him down was released, and Link almost fell down to the ground as he struggled to stand back up.

"Fine!" Tetra said, thrusting her knife into a fold in her clothing. She looked Link square in the eyes.

"I hope you realize," she said, "that we could've blasted your island to smithereens - and we would've done it for fun as well. Don't expect a quick return trip. It could be a year or two before we have a reason to come back around here again."

Link could tell the remark was meant to upset him, but he didn't care. He got angry anyway.

"Don't push your luck kid," Tetra said before Link could respond. "We'll get you there and get you back, but don't expect an immediate return, or any help with your little suicide mission."

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