Chapter 22

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"Wait, what do you mean that some guys found out our plan, I thought you said no one knows except us," I said to him.

"I don't know how they found out, but all I know is that it will be harder to get you out," he said.

We got into the elevator and pushed the main floor button, but it wouldn't close the doors. Axel pushed the button repeatedley with anger. He let out a frustrated grunt and then slammed the wall of the elevator.

"They cut the power to the elevator, guess we have to take the stairs," he said.

We walked over to the stairs while looking over our shoulders constantly just in case someone came by and wondered what we were doing. We opened the doors to the stairwell and looked down to see if anyone was there. The coast was clear, so me and Axel ran down the stairs to the main floor. We got to the door but it was locked from the outside, so Axel had to pick the lock. The stairwell looked big if you looked up and it would be easy to hear if someone was coming. It was really quiet so I decided to break it.

"So Axel, I was wondering what were you planning to do after we blow up this place," I said.

"I never really thought about it that much. I was hoping I could ask Ash if I could stay with you guys but..."

"You can if you want, Ash won't mind," I said.

He looked at me and smiled. "Thanks Snow."

He finally got the door opened and we closed the door lightly. No one was on this floor so we just ran to the door the Ash and them were going to be. We opened the door and saw that they were all there waiting to come in.

"Good, you're all here," Axel said.


It was good to see her again. When she saw me she ran over to me and hugged me and gave me kiss. Everyone looked at us with a weird look except for Ash. She went over to everyone else and hugged them all.

"Okay so you guys can take it from here then," Axel said.

"Yes we can, lets go guys," Ash said. "Patch, stay here with Snow and Axel, and take care of Snow."

"Okay," she said.

Me, Ash and Eve all went into the building and ran through the hallways to see if their was a basement of some kind.

We ran for a while before we came upon a group of guards who were guarding a door. The basement door.

"Eve, you distract the guards while me and Gray take some out before we get into a big fight," he said.

We both nodded and Eve went over to the guards and started talking to them. They didn't even care that she wasn't part of the experiments, they were just flirting with her. Me and Ash went up behind some of the guards and strangled them to death. Eve kick a guy in his gut and made him cry in pain, then finished him off with a snap of his neck. We both looked at her in astonishment.

"What, you've never seen me do that before," she said.

"Never in my life, but it's very sexy tho," said Ash.

Eve kissed Ash after he was done telling her how good she looks when she's fighting. I left the conversation and opened the door to see a big office. Three people in lab coats were sitting chairs at one big desk each on a computer typing something in them. We sneaked to the door and took a peek at what they were doing.

They were all making graphs of how good the tests were on some of the people over the last few years. The guy in the middle was starting to get out of his seat when I saw Ash go in there with one of the guns the guards had and pointed it at the scientist.

"Please don't kill us," said one woman.

"I'm not going to kill you yet, but if you don't help me with something, I might have to," Ash said to the while he pointed the gun at the guys face.

"W-wh-what do y-you want help w-with?" The guy asked.

"How do you blow up this place?" He asked.

No one answered. Ash signaled for us to come in. When we walked in they all looked more worried then before.

"Now answer the damn question or we will snap all of your necks!" Ash said getting frustrated.

"No wait please don't Ash, you wouldn't kill your brother and sister-in-law would ya," said the man.

"John that you, well I guess I wouldn't have known since I haven't seen you for twenty years at least, and you too Cheryl," Ash said. "I'm sure Snow was glad to see you."

"No she was upset at us for abandoning her," Cheryl said.

"Ya well what can I say that's what you get for leaving her at that lab for twelve years making her think that her god damn parents were dead," Ash said. "Now can you please tell me you can blow this hell hole up."

"Yes you can, but you will only have about ten seconds," John said.

"Good, then get it started," Ash said to them.

Ash looked over their shoulders to make sure that they were doing as he said for them to do. Ash came over to us and whispered something to Eve. Whatever he said she didn't like it. Eve grabbed my arm and dragged me till we were out of the basement.

"Eve what going on?" I asked. but I should have known the answer because Eve was crying.

"Ash is letting us get a head start, so we should get going to the van," she said.

We headed as fast as we could to the door. We pushed it open and made sure the coast was clear to make a run for the van. When we saw no one near the location of the van we dashed for it. We both made it, out of breath and sweating, but we made it. Everyone else was wondering where Ash was, and we told them he gave us a head start.

We all looked at the side of the house too where Ash was going to come out. We saw guards on top of the building looking right at us so we had to stay in the cover of the bushes and hope and pray the Ash was coming out.

I sat against the wheel of the van and Snow sat down beside me and held my hand and rested her head on my shoulder.

"He's going to make it out of there, I know he will," she said.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and we both rested out heads on each other.

A few minutes later we here a loud boom. We all shot up so fast no one hesitated to check and see if Ash made it. No one was running this way.

"NO, NO YOU CANT BE DEAD, NOT NOW, YOU'RE MOT ALLOWED TO BE DEAD!" Eve shouted at the burning building.

We all looked at the building with sadness in out eyes. Patch was trying to calm her down but she is in major shock. We all stood at the building until we heard a voice.

"What's got you guys so boned?" Said a voice behind us.

"ASH!" Eve yelled out as she ran up to him and hugged in a tight bear hug. "Don't you ever do that again."

"I promise I won't know how want to go home?"

All of us raised our hands and got in the van and rode off back to Jasper.


Everything is now the way it should be. Ash and Eve got married and are now on their honeymoon and won't be back till next week. Me and Snow are now comfortable to show that me and her are together. Even Axel is settling in well, by that I mean him and Patch are flirting a lot and we are all convinced that they will be a pair. But everything here is normal and it feels safe.

"Hey what you doing down here," Snow asked as she came down the stairs.

"Nothing, just thinking about how our lives can be the way they want to now," I said. "Now that this thing is all over."

"All that matters to me is that we can actually be together and not hide it from anyone anymore, and also I won't have to worry about my parents looking for me anymore also. Right now I feel free," she said as she gave me a kiss.

"Yeah, that's how we all feel right now," I said. "Free."

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