Chapter 8

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All I saw standing in front of me was a grey wolf. It didn't attack it just stood there.

"Is that Gray?" I said looking at the wolf.

"Yes, see what I mean by we can change any time, as long as you don't change in public cause people will start a riot and hunt us down," Ash said walking up to Gray. I did the same.

"So when you change are you in control or do you have to control it?" I asked hoping the answer was you are in control no matter what. I was wrong.

"No. You have to learn to control it, right Gray," Ash said looking at Gray. He just looked at him and snorted. Which means he understood what he meant.

"We can understand people too."

"Well like I said, control the wolf then you will be able too," he said. "Anyway I have to go and clean the house before everyone gets back," he said leaving me alone with Gray.

"Okay," I said. When he left I felt something cold on my hand when I looked down I saw Gray by me nudging my hand. I bent down and started to pet him. When I went to scratch behind his ears he dropped down on his side wagging his tail and thumping his leg.

"Ha I never knew a werewolf could have a good spot on them," I said to him giggling as I kept petting him. When I stopped he looked at me then he got up and sat on my lap and licked my hand.

"Okay this is really weird that you're sitting on me and licking my hand, do you do this to everyone who pets you," I said as I looked at him. When I sat up he got up and started to jump around like a hyper puppy. He ran around me twenty times and stopped dead in front of me crouched down like he was going to jump at me. When I took a step forward he flinched a little. So did I.

"I see what you're doing you want to play. Okay then let's play," I said looking around for something for him and I to play with. I found a good sized stick to throw for him. When I picked it up Gray looked at me with excitement in his eyes."huh I thought you wouldn't want to do this," I said to him with a tease. I threw the stick for him but it didn't go super far but far enough for him to chase it.

We played around for a couple of minutes when I wanted to go inside because it was getting cold. But every time I tried to leave Gray would stop me. So I threw the stick really far into the trees. When I couldn't see him any more I ran to the house and went in through the back door and slammed it shut. When I turned to leave to go find Ash I heard a whimper outside the door. I just ignored it, it was too cold outside and it was really weird seeing Gray as a wolf and seeing turn into one.

"Hey Kizzy, do you wanna help me get dinner started before the others get here?" He said as he was cutting up meat and putting it into a pot.

"What you making?" I asked.

"Chicken teriyaki, why were you expecting something else like raw meat," he said laughing at me. I looked at him to show him that wasn't funny. He got the message when he looked at me. " Sorry, just trying to make conversation. By the way you had enough hanging around Gray huh," he said teasing me. I looked at him then looked away when I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Well it was getting cold out and it was really weird playing with a wolf that you know is supposed to be human," I said looking out of the back window. I was looking for Gray then I found him sitting beside the shed looking at me. I turned away so Ash didn't see me blush when I looked at Gray.


I jumped to the sound of a truck honking. I went to go see who it was until Ash told me to meet the gang. We went outside so I could meet everyone who Was gone when I got here. I heard Gray howl and he ran over to the front of the house where they parked the truck. When he got to the front he stopped dead on his tracks right beside me and started to whine.

"What's wrong Gray?" I asked even tho I wouldn't get an answer.

"Something is wrong, that's why he's doing that," Ash said looking at the truck with a worried look on his face. I saw someone jump out of the front seat and rush to the back and opened the door then another one jump out of the front and rushed to help the other.

"I thought their were three people," I said to myself so Ash and Gray couldn't hear me. The two people who got out at the front were both female. Patch and Eve. They both opened the door tithe back and dragged out something. Wait not something someone.

"Hey we need your help Stitch got shot in the back".

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