Chapter 14

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The next morning I got up before everyone else did. I went down stairs and I saw Cujo lying on the couch. I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee to help me wake up a bit. When I poured the cream in my coffee Cujo got off of the couch and walked over to me.

"Hey Cujo, you look hungry want me to find your food," I said to him.


"Shhh, quiet Cujo you'll wake the others, you've been here longer then me you should know where it is, so show me," I said to him.

He ran towards the hallway to where the garage is then he turned to where the back door was. He stopped and sat at the door and looked up at me and licked his lips.

"So you don't get fed you just go out and get it yourself, okay then," I said as I opened the door and watched Cujo run into the forest. When I saw him go in I visioned me yesterday when we went hunting and how I brought down the elk. I knew that next month will be my final hunt till next year cause it's getting colder out now that fall is here.

I walked back to the living room with my coffee and flopped down on the couch. The house was dead silent. It felt really weird being down stairs by myself when your house is in the middle of the woods. You never know what could be watching you out there, but all I know is that I am safe here and no matter what happens nothing will happen to me. As I looked out the window by the couch I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"I see that your up early today, I thought you'd have slept in today because you looked exhausted," Ash said to me as he started to yawn.

" I was but then I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. Oh and I put Cujo outside about five minutes ago too," I said to him.

"I can see that," he said.

I looked out the window and saw that he was back and was heading to the front door with a bird in his mouth.

"Want me to tell him to eat it outside or something?" I suggested to him.

"Nah, just leave it he knows better to come at the door with fresh kill in his jaws. He'll soon realize that he's not allowed in then he'll just go off and eat,"he said.

I looked out the window and saw that he was lying down by the shed.

"So I have a question for you, and please don't get mad at me for asking but..." Ash said.

'Oh no please don't ask about me and Gray, please don't ask about me and Gray' I said to myself.

"How do you tell someone that you want them in your life forever?"he asked me.

I looked at him with surprise in my eyes.

"Your thinking about proposing to Eve?" I said.

"Shhhh, keep your voice down, yes I am but I don't know how I'm going to do it I've been meaning to do it for three months now. We have been together for two years and I didn't have the nerve to do it three months ago."

"I...ah, I don't know what to say to you. But what you could do is tell her how you feel, and how you want to be together forever," I told him trying to help.

"I will try that. Should I ask her when we go for a walk in the woods or make her a special dinner?" He asked me.

"You should take her for a nice walk in the woods and then when the time is right ask her," I said.

"Okay then I'll try my best and see how it goes."

I looked at him and smiled. I was happy for him, and I knew that him and Eve would be happy together.

"Hey what are you guys doing up so early you guys were exhausted yesterday," Eve said as she walked down the stairs.

"I heard Snow get up so I thought I would too because I was feeling hungry," said Ash.

"Okay," she said.

"Oh ah Eve, would you like to come with me on a walk in the woods tonight?" He asked.


"Just so we can have some alone time with each other," Ash said.

"Okay sure, we'll go after dinner then."

When they were finished Ash went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. He was making bacon and eggs and the smell was everywhere in the house, it woke Patch and Gray up. After we ate breakfast ma and Ash went outside to help him plan out what he should do for tonight's proposal.

We spent a couple hours talking then we went out in the woods for a run in out wolf form. As we were running me and Ash saw the elk herd again. We sneaked past them so we didn't spook them. We went to a cave that was not far from the house, we went inside, it was dark in there but us wolves have good vision so we could see in there.

After we explored the cave it was getting dark and we knew that everyone was probably getting supper ready so we ran back to the house as fast as we could. We put on out clothes and went in him the house just in time. They were already putting the food on the table.

When everyone was done eating Ash and Eve went outside for their walk, Patch went upstairs to her room, and me and Gray stayed down stairs and talked.

"So why is Ash taking Eve for a walk in the woods, he's never done that with her," Gray said.

"I can't tell you, I'm sure they'll tell us later," I told him.

"You know what's they're about don't you?" He said.

"Yes I do and I promised Ash I wouldn't tell anyone and just because we're dating doesn't mean I don't have to tell you anything," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Must be something special I guess," he said.

"Yes it is, and don't say anything when they come back," I told him.

A couple minutes later I heard the door open and Ash and Eve both walked in holding hands. Eve kissed Ash and went upstairs. Ash came in the living room and sat on the other couch.

"What are you smiling at?" Gray asked.

I whispered in Gray's ear about Ash proposing to Eve. He looked at me in shock.

"So what did she say," Gray said.


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