Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

I woke up by being thrown off my bed I sat up to see my father "go to school bitch and take your stupid sister with you" I nodded he left the room I shared with my little sister Kara I looked at her bed it was empty I ran on the other side of the bed to see her in a ball fighting to tears threatening to fall we weren't aloud to cry in front of dad "hey what hurts" she looked up at me her blue eyes watering "I think he broke my wrist" I sat her up and went in my bin under the bed to grab pain killers I stole "here kar take these I don't have anything to wrap it and we wouldn't want to draw attention this will have to do" 2 pills fell out of the bottle turns out it was the last of it "no Alex I can't take it there's only 2 I'll live" I opened her good hand and put them in "I got your back I can steal the next bottle you need it more then me" she agreed took one now and saved the other when it wore off I'm sure the pain still hurt but at least it took some away we got dressed and walked to school together I loved my little sister and I wish I could protect her more I don't know how but I will get us out of it "what's on your mind Alex" I looked over of course she would know "a way out of this" she grabbed my hand "we will get out of it together" I nodded we walked for about half an hour then we got to school we both went in two different directions Kara went to her group of friends and I went to my locker "her Danvers" a brunette girl came up to me leaning on the lockers "hey Sawyer" I smiled Maggie was my only friend I had and Kara of course "so the project I can't do it at mine and it's due tomorrow you think we can do it at yours" shit the project umm what do I say "Danvers" do I even ask do I sneak her in "Alex" she snapped her fingers in my face I jumped back the the action expecting to get smacked "sorry didn't mean to freak you out" I blinked a couple times "oh I'm sorry I zoned out I'll ask my dad and get back to you" she kept staring at me probably didn't expect me to jump that much I mean she only snapped her fingers "um I gotta get to class cya Sawyer" I smiled and walked away "cya Danvers" I heard behind me I went to the bathroom to text my dad and hope to god this would go okay


Alex: hey dad I need to finish a project with a friend and she can't have me over I can't say no or she'll be suspicious and I don't exactly have another excuse can she come over tonight

Dad: ugh whatever Kara already asked to go to a girls house for a project just don't act weird or stupid pretend you love me and I'll do the same understand

Alex: I understand.

I did love him he's still my dad but he clearly doesn't love me I wonder why Kara didn't say anything about going to someone's house I'll talk to her at lunch.

Karas POV

Me and Alex went our separate ways I went to see my friends Winn, James and Nia "hey guys" they all turned around and smiled "hey" we talked about a couple things like there weekend and what class they have and don't like until Lena Luthor came up to me and tapped my shoulder "hey Lena" my friends rolled their eyes and I hated that "hey Kara are you able to come over to do the project tonight" I can deal with dad later hopefully I'll just have to apologize to Alex for leaving her "yeah sounds good" she smiled "ok meet me in the parking lot after school" she walked away with her head down I turned to see James face annoyed "she's trouble Kara be careful" I rolled my eyes "she's not Lex her last name doesn't define her ok so until you can prove that she's so evil I don't wanna hear it" Winn and Nia didn't say anything we just went to our first couple classes then lunch.

I was looking for Alex in the cafeteria but I couldn't see her I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone hitting my wrist on whatever they were holding "I'm so sorry Kara I didn't pay attention are you alright" I looked up into Lenas green eyes and for a minute all the pain went away for a minute "it's ok Lena I'm fine don't worry about it" she looked down at me holding my wrist "you sure your hands ok" I smiled and tried to fight the pain "yes don't worry about it" she put her hand out to help me but Alex ran over to me "Kara you ok" I looked over to her and nodded I took Lenas hand and smiled at her "can we talk" I looked at Lena who seemed confused about Alex's urgency to talk to me but I knew "yes let's go bye Lena" she waved and we went to the bathroom "did you forget to mention you were leaving me alone tonight" she was pacing "I just found out this morning I was looking for you to tell her what's wrong" she stopped pacing "Maggie's coming over to finish a history project and your not gonna be there" dad was letting Alex have a friend over "it'll be ok he won't do anything in front of her take it as a free day" she nodded "how's you hand I saw you hit it when you ran into Lena" I took the pill out of my bag "I don't know how I didn't cry" I swallowed to pill and hugged Alex "I'll live let's go" we left the bathroom lunch went by and I went to my last few Classes exited to see Lena

I went to the parking lot and she was waiting near a limo "holy shit is that yours" she laughed "yep ready to go" I can't believe I was going in a limo "yep" I got in we talked about school she kept looking at my hand this was gonna be difficult to hide if she keeps staring hope Alex does Ok without me tonight

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