Chapter 9

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Karas POV

Alex walked away and I went to see Nia and Lena "hey guys" "hey" Lena spoke up we talked for a while Nia left to go get something James hasn't shown his face for a while I was glad but for some reason I felt guilt I was feeling a lot of guilt lately I can't believe Alex did that last night I can't stop thinking about her life wasn't fair we didn't deserve this my mind was overflowing with thoughts I was so overwhelmed Lena was talking to me apparently "Kara" I blinked "sorry what" normally James would be upset if I spaced out "sorry I-" Lena reached for my hand "Kara there's nothing to apologize for are you ok" well I wasn't expecting that reaction "yeah just a lot on my mind"
"Like what" uhhh my dad hitting Alex probably won't be a good answer "just James and Wynn I thought they were my friends" it hurt a lot I really cared about them clearly they didn't feel the same "I'm sorry that happened I'm always here for you besides we don't need them" she was right I didn't need them I had Lena "I got you a little something" that is definitely something I'm not used to "Lena you don't have to get me anything" she pulled out a box and I knew what they were "oh my god Lena you got potstickers you are the best" she handed me the box I hugged her ignoring all the pain she helped with it in a way it was strange being with Lena it just made the pain bearable I had a huge smile on my face potstickers are my favourite I haven't had them in years "thank you so much Lena you are the amazing" Lena giggled and it was adorable and it made smile "Kara it's no problem at all I remembered you telling me it was your favourite food and hadn't had it for a long time" she remembered that made me so happy being with Lena made my problems disappear even if it's just for a little while "thank you" I felt like a child on Christmas I didn't exactly do those anymore so it felt nice Nia came back "oh god you got her potstickers she will love you forever" we all laughed Nia reached for one but I hit her hand "Kara there's a lot you can share" I crossed my arms making a stance "Kara share with Nia" well there goes my stance I gave one to Nia "wow Lena if you can make Kara share food I haven't seen anyone be able to do that" she was right I never share food and Lena got me to what was that feeling my stomach I'm literally eating unless maybe no I couldn't have feelings for Lena right but she is really pretty and kind and really smart she's caring and oh my god I'm falling for Lena Luthor her and Nia were laughing about something I wasn't paying attention I was mesmerized by the beautiful green eyed brunettes laugh lunch went by fast my next class was science and I happen to have that with Lena Nia left to math which she ranted about at lunch I didn't mind math it wasn't my favourite but it wasn't my least favourite either me and Lena were walking to science till I remembered James had that class too I walked in to see the new seating plan I was hoping to sit beside Lena but I'm sitting beside James and Lena is sitting behind me ugh this was going to be awkward James saw that and was annoyed "miss can I switch please" gladly yes please make him switch "ugh it's the first day of new seats and you already want to switch" Wynn was also in this class "I'll switch with him miss" she sighed "your not gonna stop asking till I do It will you" both James and Wynn said "no" at the same time she rolled her eyes "fine" Wynn came over and James left I ignored them and talked to Lena the bell rang class started there was a lesson then work she gave us the whole class to finish a couple pages of work whatever you don't finish is in homework me and Lena worked together laughed and finished early so we played tic tac toe which she kept beating me at "how do you keep beating me" she giggled "because your predictable" I did a fake frown I decided to change it to hang man because I was good a guessing I ended up winning class ended I went to the parking lot to wait for Alex but she wasn't showing up and it worried me Lena came up to me again "you alright" I started pacing "Alex should be here she's always waiting for me she wouldn't leave without me and she normally texts me when she goes to a friends what if something happened"
"Kara breath and call her" oh yeah probably should have tried that "ok" I found Alex's contact and called "hello" that wasn't Alex's voice it was Maggie's "Maggie?" "Oh shit sorry little Danvers lost track of time me and Alex are on our way I'm driving you both home" then she hung up "you alright" why was she with Maggie did she ditch oh god dads gonna kill us "yeah" she stared at me "liar" how did she "I've been around you long enough to know when you lie" "it's the crinkle isn't it" stupid crinkle "maybe now what's bothering you" "it's just Alex's friend answered and she said she's on her way to come get me but that would mean Alex isn't even here and she probably ditched and my dads already annoyed enough that she punched Lucy I just don't want her to get into anymore trouble and she normally tells me these things" she grabbed my hand "Alex is a big girl she can handle her own consequences for her actions and just let her know you want her to text you about it maybe she just forgot" Lena was very wrong about the first part Alex can't handle anymore but maybe she's right about the second part "thanks Lena" she smiled "there's my ride" I spotted Maggie's car I waved to Lena and got in "thanks for the head up Alex" she looked at me and I gasped "Alex what happened" "Lucy happened Maggie took me to her house and I ended up sleeping I didn't get the chance to text you I'm sorry" well now I feel like an ass "I can't believe that bitch would do that wait so you guys ditched" "well yes but Maggie asked her mom to tell the school she picked us up so they don't call dad" I let out a breath at least it wouldn't be that bad for Alex Maggie dropped us off at home and we walked in to see dad looking very mad and holding a knife I grabbed Alex's hand in fear she put me behind her.

So I'm not gonna do another seen of Kara getting beat because it's getting repetitive so I'm making it a little more intense next chapter

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