Chapter 3

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Karas POV

We walked into Lenas house it was huge like a literal mansion "your house is beautiful" she smiled "thanks we can go to the living room for the project" I nodded and followed her to the living room we sat down and got started I came up with the ideas while she wrote I was using my left hand which was awkward since I'm right handed Lena tilted her head "aren't you right handed" when do people actually pay attention to shit like that "I'm both actually" she raised her eyebrow at me "really I didn't know that" she kept staring at me so I looked at the ground and whispered under my breath "me either" we were almost done and I've checked my phone a million times "expecting a call" I flipped my phone over "uh no maybe I don't know Alex might text me maybe not" she was clearly confused "Alex?" Did she not know her "my older sister" "you have a sister" guess not "yeah she's a year older" Lena nodded slowly "I had no idea" I shrugged "well we don't talk much guess I never brought it up" she put the last picture on the board "guess not well Its done" I smiled we stood up and sat on the couch "what do you want to do" honestly nothing I was in a lot of pain "up to you" she thought for a second "do you wanna go swimming" I got really excited but then remembered all the bruises on me I didn't have a reason for them "that sounds fun but what if we watched a movie" she stood up "I'll get the snacks" she walked away I sat there holding my wrist trying not to cry someone walked in the room I hadn't even noticed "who are you" I looked up startled by the noise "I'm Kara and who are you" he came out of the door way and smiled "Lex, Lex Luthor" that was Lex I heard so many story's of him he didn't look so bad "hi I'm here for a project Lena just went to get some snacks to watch a movie" he walked closer and extended his hand "nice to meet you" he watched as I let go of my wrist and shook his hand "nice to meet you too" he sat down beside me "what happened to your wrist" am I really that bad at hiding it "oh nothing to worry about just bruised it" "doesn't look bruised" "well it is it's nothing really where's your bathroom" he pointed to the hallway "2 door on your right" I stood up "thanks" I quickly left the room I entered the room and of course the bathroom was huge I splashed some water on my face and applied cold water on my wrist it's not ice but it will have to do I went back to the living room to see Lena sitting on the couch eating popcorn "hey my brother didn't scare you off did he" I smiled "no not at all he seems nice why does everyone say stuff about him" she sighed "well there not wrong he wasn't a good student and he beat up a lot of kids" but he seems so calm "he doesn't seem like that kind of person" she took a sip of her water "looks can be deceiving" there was a couple minutes of silence "so what do you want to watch" we looked at Netflix movies "I don't know you pick" she put on  the kissing booth we ate popcorn and chips I was starting to get tired but I didn't say anything I had to go back home but I really didn't want to I was happy here well I'm happy anywhere but home but I was calm and knew no one would hit me I closed my eyes for a split second and I was out.

Lenas POV

Karas wrist was clearly not ok she was never left handed not that I would pay attention to that or anything and she got so excited to go swimming just to change the subject and she keeps holding it close to her I don't get why she won't just admit it or tell me the movies almost over I look over and Karas sleeping she was adorable while she slept she must be tired it's only 10 Lex walked in "finish the project" I smiled "yeah we were watching a movie but she fell asleep" he looked at Kara and sat down "what's wrong with her hand" at least it wasn't just me "I dont know she keeps telling me it's fine and there's nothing wrong with it but she's favouring the right one" he crouched down next to her "what are you doing" "if you want to know just look she's sleeping she can't stop you" I mean she was sleeping no that's invading privacy "if you won't I can" I didn't stop him which he took as a yes he pulled up her sleeve and moved it around and compared it to the other she flinched a lot "if It's not broken then fractured if she's lucky sprained" that's 3 different thing "well which one is it" he stood up "I'm no doctor plus it would be easier if she was awake just wrap her wrist and give her pain killers she clearly doesn't want to go to the hospital or she would have gone already it looks like it was done this morning night Lena" I mean it's something "night Lex thanks" I went to the cabinet to pick up something to wrap her hand and grab pain killers when she wakes up when I came back she was knocked right out I warped her hand gently not to hurt her I picked her up to bring her upstairs hope her parents won't mind soon as I picked her up she tensed up I thought she was out cold guess not "your ok go back to sleep" she heard my voice and relaxed wonder what that was she went from a heavy sleeper to a light one in like 5 minutes when I got to my room I put her down and tucked her in I got on my side of the bed closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

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