Chapter 16

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Lexs POV

I'm waiting in my office for my mom she said she had something important to tell me I heard the door open and my mother walked up to me with a smirk on her face "yes mother" she sat down "I found out something today and I think you'll be interested" I rolled my eyes "will I mother" she smirked "I mean if you don't want supergirls real identity then that's fine" my eyes widened "how do you know" "a simple test that proved what I've had a feeling of" I stood up "well are you going to tell me or not" "patience my son if you want to know you have to be all in to destroy her no matter the cost then I'll tell you" I will finally get my revenge "I'm all in" she smiled "perfect, we are going to kill Kara Danvers" Danvers why did that sound so familiar "Lenas little girlfriend" this may be a small issue I don't want to hurt Lena but if I have to it will be done "Lena won't be touched unless we need to" she laughed "too late she was the test" I was about to get angry how could she do that "relax she's fine I made sure her girlfriend could save her but I still put some kryptonite in there for the fun of it" not a bad plan "im in" she smiled and we left to her lab I will get my revenge on the supers.

Karas POV

I fell asleep at one point when I woke up I saw the time it was 8 I wasn't worried till I totally forgot about work Cats gonna skin me alive well she'll try I decided not to worry about it yet I'll deal with her tomorrow I was about to fall back asleep when I heard ticking it took me a second to know what it was I picked Lena up and flew out of the house not a second later the whole thing blew up Lena jolted up "what the hell" I looked at Lena and at the house I tightened my grip "this isn't good" she pulled herself closer probably scared that a second later she would have been toast "let's get to the D.E.O" she nodded I flew in everyone worried I came in without my suit I never did that "Kara are you alright" j'onn asked "yeah barley someone blew up the house" his eyes widen he looked at Lena making sure she was still in one piece "I heard ticking grabbed her and flew out not caring about anything else" "this is dangerous we need a safe place you can't go anywhere your to stay here" "we have lives we can't just drop them because someone is trying to kill us it's not the first time" "your right it's not the first time but its the first time there going for Kara Danvers not supergirl" I put my head down he was right "what do we say to cat we can't exactly say hey cat I'm supergirl my enemy knows and is trying to kill me and my girlfriend can I have a while off work"
"Ok ok not the time I get it let me think of something to say ok Lena stay here I'm only going to get time off then I'm coming back I promise" she looked worried "be safe" I smiled "always am" everyone in the room rolled their eyes knowing I may not be the most carful person I left to get to cat-co knowing cats probably still there at 10 pm I went in and I was right I walked in her office "Keira what Is the meaning for this you take off and you show up at 10 you better have a good reason" I sat down on her couch "someone may be trying to kill me" her eyes widened "what!" She walked over to me and looked to see if I was injured "I'm fine for now but someone blew up my house an hour ago this person seriously wants me dead" she took off her glasses "what could you sweet Kara Danvers have done to piss someone off that bad" I didn't have an answer as Kara Danvers I've never done anything wrong before I got the chance to answer she took off my glasses and gasped "oh my god" I took them back "w-what" she smirked "now beating up a bunch of people can leave a ton of people wanting you dead...supergirl" I was shocked "I'm sorry miss grant I think you made a mistake I'm not her" she rolled her eyes "don't play stupid Kara I can't believe I didn't notice sooner" I got up "you can't be serious I'm not her she's supergirl and I'm me there's no way" "bull shit your definitely su-" I cut her off "shhh there's someone else here shit I'm so sorry your in danger now" "I knew it" I put her behind her desk and used x-ray vision we were not alone "Kara right it has been some time hasn't it" I turned to see lex "lex what are you doing here" now I had to play stupid in case Lena was wrong "what are you doing here" he took a step forward and I took one back "oh come on Kara I don't bite" I doubt that "I was looking for miss grant but she's gone home I should be getting there myself" he chuckled "there isn't anything to go back to" he was smirking well fuck "so it was you" he smiled "guilty" "Lena was in there you know" I snapped "yeah I did feel a little bad about that but I knew you would get her out" "what happens when I can't"
"Then she dies" he would do that to his own sister "your a monster lex" "no you are the monster supergirl she is crazy to love you"
"Jealous that someone would love me yet no one can stand you" he growled at my comment "don't be to cocky miss Danvers or should I say Zor-el I will be back and you won't win you save everyone but no one can save you from my plan" I went to grab him but he hit a button I felt a blast that shot me towards the wall I could feel a lot of pain where do they get all this kryptonite I looked at my stomach to see a chunk of green metal "well that's gonna leave a mark" I mumbled lex laughed "until next time" he left I was holding my wound it was bleeding a lot cat came over to me "oh my god Kara" I smiled weakly "I'll be ok miss grant I need to get back you can't tell a soul who I am don't even write it down please it could put so many more people in danger" I stood up in sheer pain "I really didn't miss not feeling pain" "you used to feel pain" "that's a story for another day go home miss grant" she nodded and I used all my energy to get back to the D.E.O and another crash landing that's the second time today and it didn't get less painful I landed on my back everyone gasping "I'm gonna need Alex" Lena ran over to me "Kara look at me stay awake, ALEX" soon my sister came running "so I wasn't very careful"
"But on the bright side I know who's trying to kill me bad news it's not good"
"I'm sorry Kara this is gonna hurt a lot" I closed my eyes and felt a sharp pain in my abdomen "god I haven't felt something like that in years" Alex forced a smiled "sorry" I tried to stand but Lena stopped me "Kara I am going to kill you myself if you keep getting hit with kryptonite"
"Well to be fair this was your brothers fault" lenas face dropped "a little harsh Kara" my sister said my bad "sorry it shouldn't have came out that way I'm sorry" she sighed "it's ok as long as your alive" I smiled weakly "we should get to the sun lamps" Lena picked me up I'm surprised she could carry me "Lena are you ok" she looked down at me I could see it in her eyes I learned to read them over the years "he tried to kill you and me I can't tell if I'm so furious I want to kill him or feel like crying my brother is capable of that kind of betrayal" "I know it doesn't help but he felt a little bad that you were in danger" "no but thanks for trying" she gave me a small smile and left I decided to sleep under the sun lamps knowing I would be good to go when I get up.

I really wanted cat to know because If she stayed on the show they would have been so powerful with her help and advice hope you guys like it

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