Chapter 4

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Karas POV

I opened my eyes to a sleeping Lena I sat up and looked down at my wrist it was wrapped? "Good morning" "morning why is my wrist wrapped" "because it's probably broken" I laughed but I shouldn't have because that was the most forced thing ever "w-what why would it be broken" she furrowed her eyebrows "I don't know you tell me" "I'm sure it's not broken it feels fine" she then tapped my hand and I yelped "really feels fine Kara why won't you just admit it hurts it's just me I get I'm a Luthor but-" I quickly cut her off "it's not because of your last name I don't care about that I care about you Lena your last name has nothing to do with it" "then why won't you talk to me about it it's clearly fucked up" "I just didn't want to be a bother or worry anyone I'm not dying or anything so I'm fine" she reached for my good hand "Kara Danvers you are never a bother you understand I will always be here day or night and it's not fine we should get you checked out what happened" shit um maybe I fell off my bed I don't know what to say "it's embarrassing" really that's what came out of my mouth "it can't be that bad" guess I'm going with it "I fell off my bed" she tried to hold back a laugh and I tried to keep a serious face "no laughing" "I'm not laughing" she said trying so hard to let it out but when she did I laughed with her "ready for school" I threw a pillow at her "ughhhh nooooooo" she got jeans and a white shirt for me to wear "come onnnnn" she dragged me out of bed I changed we had breakfast and left for school I stayed with Lena all morning talking with her joking she was a fun person to be around until Lucy Lane came over and starting being a bitch to us "two losers together fits well" Lena was about to say something "oh no the Luthors gonna release her evil wrath on me I'm so scared" she could talk down to me all she wants but not Lena "really Lucy your so pathetic and bored you feel the need to come over here and say things to try and bring others down so you can be happy that's sad Lucy" she was furious she knocked me down and laughed "what's the matter Kara can't take a hit" that's not true I could take it Lena tried to interfere but I shook my head I could take it although my hand did hurt more now she was about to strike till Alex caught her hand punched her in the face and threatened her I thanked her and she told me to run along Lena almost bursted into laughter "that girl made Lucy Lane run for her life" I smiled "that girl was my sister" "damn she really protected you back there" "yeah that's my older sister alright no one can hurt me but her" and dad...we laughed and pretended nothing happened the bell rang and we both headed to science.

Alex's POV

I woke up feeling arms wrapped around me at first I panicked thinking it was my dad but relaxed soon as I realized it was Maggie she probably felt me move cause when I looked up at her she opened her eyes and smiled at me "hey" "hi" we stared in each other's eyes for a couple seconds till I spoke up "wanna get coffee" she nodded I got off of her and stood up but I got so dizzy I totally forgot about the vase. I stumbled and grabbed the night stand for support until Maggie ran over to me "woah take it easy Danvers what happened to you last night there was some sort of glass in your hair last night and you were bleeding" um was I bleeding I guess I couldn't tell "I uh dropped my phone under a table and I grabbed it and hit my head and knocked a vase off and it landed on my head I didn't think it was that bad" I looked down at my hands to see them all scratched up and dry blood all over them "is that was your headache was you could have told me I would have checked you see if it was serious" "I didn't want to bother to you and it wasn't that big of a deal anyways" she grabbed my hand I winced "omg Alex your hands" I pulled them back "I sorta picked up the vase with my bare hands I didn't want to wake anyone so I just used my hands" she hugged me "I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could come to me I'm always here ok" I nodded she helped me up and we stood there for a minute or two till the room stopped spinning "you good" "yeah thanks let's go get coffee" we got our stuff and went downstairs and saw my dad sitting at the table reading a news paper this made me cringe who the hell still does that seeing him so nice was weird "good morning girls how did you sleep" this is everything I've ever wanted but it was so fake it's worse then him beating me is pretending he cares "good we're going out for coffee then heading to school "bye have a great day" Maggie smiled "thanks you too Jeremiah" I waved faking a smile this hurt this is what I want but it's not what I got "hey you ok" I nodded we picked up coffee and went to school I walked in and Kara immediately ran over to me not saying a word "I'll be right back" Maggie nodded and Kara dragged me to the bathroom "are you ok" "define ok" she looked like she could shoot lasers from her eyes if she looked at me any longer "ok ok not funny he was nice he faked it and it hurt because it's everything we could have gotten and he threw a vase at my head while Maggie was sleeping where'd you get the wrap for your wrist" she took a second to process dad being nice "Lena figured it out and helped wait nice what do you mean nice" I looked down and fought the tears "like asked me how my day was and how I slept and told me to have a good day but it was all fake" I was now crying Kara hugged me "I'm sorry I wasn't there" I sniffed "it's ok" I wiped my tears and we left I went back to my locker with Maggie we talked till I saw someone push Kara I started walking without saying a word "Danvers where you going" I saw Kara on the ground hanging on to her wrist "what's the matter Kara can't take a hit" she was about to hit Kara till I stood in front of her and caught her hand her face dropped "who are you" I punched her right in the nose so hard it started bleeding "if you think about hurting her again I won't be so nice" she didn't say anything she just ran off I grabbed Karas hand and helped her up "you alright" "woah Alex I didn't know you had that in you" I laughed "neither did I" I hugged her "go with your friends see you after school" she smiled "my hero" she ran off and Maggie's jaw was on the floor "shit Danvers I never thought you'd punch someone" I looked at my hand "no one messes with my little sister" I didn't think I could do it I just got so mad seeing Kara hurt that it just happened

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