Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

I opened my eyes to a white room I didn't try and move remembering everything I look to my left and see Kara in a bed with Lena and to my right is Maggie sitting I a chair "hey how you feeling" "like I was run over by a bus" she grabbed my hand "you know you scared me to death right"
"I'm guessing you know about my dad" she nodded slowly "he did this didn't he" I sat up slowly "yeah he tried to kill me and Kara after blaming me for my moms death" I felt a tear roll down my cheek Maggie wiped it off "Alex if you think he's right stop it" "it was my fault she left to get something for me just because I was sad" she sat on the bed so I moved a little "Alex that was her choice to leave and the other drivers you had nothing to do with it ok" I nodded "why did it make him happy to hit me he used to love me you know and then it disappeared with my mom" she wrapped her arms around me humming the song every little thing is gonna be alright "I've got you now and no one will hurt you I promise I'll find a way you should get some sleep" I laid my head on her chest feeling safe "Kara..." "she's ok your injury's are way worse then hers" I smiled "I kept my promise" I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Maggie's POV

The doctor came in Alex Kara and Lena were asleep I won't sleep just in case I will be ready for anything "how are they" normally it's the doctor who would have the answer but I'm the only one Alex talked to "you were right it's their father that did this she said they tried to kill them but Alex ran" I wanted to kill Jeremiah for hurting them "you really care for her don't you" I started blushing "I mean she's my best friend of course I care" the doctor smiled "you should tell her before someone else gets to her first" the doctor left. It's now 6 am Alex woke up "Maggie have you slept" I shouldn't worry her "yeah" she frowned "Maggie..." paybacks a bitch "no I haven't I can't leave you guys defenceless again" Alex stroked my hair "please sleep mags I'm ok there's security out the door I'm safe"
"It should be me comforting you" she giggled "well you've taken care of me long enough it's my turn "I closed my eyes not letting go of Alex I loved her and had to say it soon but I'm afraid I would rather have her as a friend then not at all.

Karas POV

I woke up and saw Alex awake "we did it" she smiled "we did even if we got in to a little trouble on the way" I looked over at Lena she was passed out "what now"
"I'm not sure we can't go back obviously but we don't have anywhere to go" "Alex what if we get sent in to the system" it's one of the reasons we never said anything or got help "I'm almost 18 I can take you I just need 2 months" I'm freaking out I can't go in the system "Alex that's 2 months we don't have that" "we could stay with Maggie if she's ok with it then I can buy us a little apartment" that's half a plan "with what money" "mom left us some I know it we just have to find where" why didn't I think of that "for now let's not worry" I nodded Lena started waking up she opened her eyes and I stared in her green eyes admiring them "hey" she said in a low voice "hi" she sat up "want coffee" I shook my head "Kara you should have something" I haven't thought of food "I'm going to the cafe down the street and getting you something end of story Alex do you want something"Alex smiled "could you grab some donuts for me and Maggie please" Lena nodded and left and looked over to me smirking "she's a keeper isn't she" I started blushing "not now Alex I only told you because I thought I was going to die"
"To bad I'm holding it against you now just tell her Kara" I looked over and Maggie snuggled into Alex "oh yeah and what are you feeling towards Maggie" Alex's face went red "I-uh I don't she's just a friend" I smirked back "really so just friends cuddle up like that" her face kept getting red "Kara shut it" I smiled "that's what I thought" Lena came back with food and coffee for everyone "thank you Lena" she smiled at Alex "no problem it's the least I can do" she came over to me with a box of potstickers "you spoil me to much" she smiled "there's no such thing" we ate and the doctors came in "the Danvers ok so Alexandra" Alex cut her off "just Alex please" she nodded "Alex has broken ribs very deep cuts everywhere and a lot of bruising but besides that your good your very lucky"
"What about the bullet wasn't that a lot of damage" Maggie spoke up "the bullet hit your lower abdomen you lost quite a bit of blood like I said you were very lucky both of you 10 more minutes and you both would have bled out" well that's nice to know "Kara you have a broken wrist but I'm assuming that's not new" I nodded "it happened a couple days ago" "well it will take longer to heal because it wasn't treated right away and your shoulder will be in a lot of pain but we will give you pain killers and you have a lot of cuts from the glass and that's all you girls should be discharged later today but first we should talk about your situation" I grabbed Lenas hand in fear "Alex your about to be 18 correct" Alex nodded "if you can stay with someone safe we won't call social services once your 18 Kara can stay with you" "your not putting us in the system" I said quietly "no I've been there and if I don't have to I don't think you girls need to be there" I nodded me and Alex are smiled "thank you so much" she smiled "we sent the cops to your house but found it empty you should be very careful" well that's great "do you want to stay with me Kara" Lena asked I looked at Alex "yeah just promise you guys will be safe" I nodded and hugged Lena "I'll stay with Maggie" "um excuse me" the doctor turned around "yes" "if our mother left us money in her will how do we get to it" she explained we had to go to the bank and explain the situation and prove we were her kids and they would give it to us "thanks again doctor?" "Doctor Swan, Emma swan" Alex smiled "thank you" she nodded and left we all talked and laughed happy that me and Alex made it out alive.

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