Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

I closed my eyes for 2 seconds and fell asleep next thing I knew a book was slammed infront of my face I looked up to see my teacher "I'm sorry am I boring you miss Danvers" fuck "no I'm sorry" she picked up the book and I forced myself to stay awake class was long everything hurt I can't believe how cruel my father became even wasn't always like this he was caring and fun to be around he always cheered us up when we were sad or made us laugh when we would cry but now he's the reason for all the tears all the pain "earth to Alex" I blinked and saw Maggie in front of my desk "you ready to go" I was about to answer till the teacher but in "actually can I have a word with you Alex" Maggie didn't move "alone" she rolled her eyes "I'll be at your locker" she left I stood up to go to the teachers desk "Alexandra you always pay attention in class what happened today" I hated it when people called me Alexandra it's long and formal "sorry I just didn't sleep well" she sighed "I don't want to call your father" my eyes went wide "no no no you don't have to because it will never happen again I promise" "fine one more time then I'm calling" "thank you" I left and let out a breath I walked over to Maggie when I think she noticed the limping it was quite noticeable but that was me hiding it "what's up with your leg" "I tripped up the stairs at home" she raised in eyebrow "when did you become so clumsy" I shrugged "I don't know" we walked to the cafeteria to see Kara on the ground again I couldn't do anything it would make things worse I felt a tear escape my eye "Danvers what's wrong" she looked up and saw Lucy punch Kara in the stomach I was expecting her to tell me to stop her but instead she walked over there and tripped Lucy and kicked her in the side "if your done being a bitch you should go get a life or you'll be dealing with me" Maggie said in a low and dangerous tone I think Lucy shit herself she ran off Maggie helped Kara up "you alright little Danvers" she was probably in shock that Maggie actually stood up for her "why did you interfere" "because no one should get treated that way especially my best friends little sister" Kara hugged Maggie "thank you" "anytime" Maggie walked over to me and I hugged her really tight the hug actually hurt me a lot but I didn't care right now "thank you Maggie" she hugged me back not so tight which I am thankful for "of course let's go eat" she ate a sandwich and I didn't bring anything normally I sneak a snack or something but I didn't have time this morning "where's your lunch" I hated lying to Maggie so I always left out the bad parts "I was rushing and forgot to pack something" she split her sandwich in half and gave me half "Maggie it's your lunch I'm not taking it" she plopped the piece in my hand "good thing I wasn't asking" she smiled at me and I ate the sandwich After lunch I had math and geography I had homework tonight I normally don't because I get it done in class but I was so tired everything went in one ear and out the other and I have a lot to do Maggie came up behind me and tried to scare me but I was so tired I didn't react the only thing that could keep me awake was that stupid whip it sure did the trick last night "hey Danvers you ok" I sighed "just a lot of homework" "you never have homework your acting weird today" "I know just tired" she put her arm around me I felt butterfly's in my stomach weird "wanna come to my house we can finish it there" dad wouldn't care and I winced at the thought of Kara screaming all night "yeah sure" I texted Kara I was gonna be at Maggie's for a couple hours she said it was fine but I knew it wasn't Kara hated being alone with him "what are you thinking about" "leaving Kara alone" apparently I don't have a filter when I'm tired "she's a big girl Danvers she'll be fine" oh were you wrong Maggie "yeah" I still wasn't ok with leaving her there so many thoughts and scenarios were in my head I felt Maggie's hand on my thigh and I slowed my breathing down I didn't even notice it was speeding up. We pulled in Maggie's drive way and got out of the car and entered the house "hey girls how was school" I smiled Maggie's mom was sweet "good mom me and Alex are just going to go finish some homework" she smiled "ok don't work to hard" she laughed me and Maggie went downstairs she had the whole basement to herself it was nice "ok what classes" "what" "what classes do you have homework in" holy shit I need sleep "math and geography" "lucky for you those are my best subjects" she hit my shoulder playfully it hurt so bad I probably showed it a lot "you ok I barley touched you" I didn't move I was having flashes of last night this no sleep thing was getting to me "hey I'm sorry" I snapped out of it "it's ok I'm fine" why did I agree to this I'm gonna blow it "ok..." she sat on the bed I sat on the floor knowing if I sit on that bed I will fall asleep "I don't bite Danvers you can sit on the bed you know" "I know I just work better on the ground the beds to comfortable I get distracted" "ok" she got off the bed and sat on the floor with me we were half way through and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy "Alex you there" my eyes shot open "yeah yes what" she put her hand on my shoulder "what's up with you today" I didn't have the energy to lie "I didn't sleep" "how many hours did you get" "none" I said blankly I didn't try anymore I just had to finish my work go home then sleep "Alex go to bed" "I will after I finish this I'm almost done anyway" Maggie lifted my head "let me finish it for you" "no Maggie it's my work it's my fault I wasn't paying attention I'm almost done I just need one more hour" Maggie picked me up I tried not to show any signs of pain she put me down on her bed she was holding me so I wouldn't get up and leave she started humming a song and I fell asleep.

I'm in a dark room I can't see anything in the distance I can see a glimpse of light so I walk towards it I walk through a door and I see Kara bleeding getting beat she was dying and my father was smirking and kept hitting her I'm trying to run and save her but I'm stuck to the ground I'm sinking "KARA" she looks at me "Alex..." and drops dead no no no no I have to get out of here "YOU MONSTER I HOPE YOU DIE AND ROT IN HELL WHY SHES YOUR DAUGHTER WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" he's laughing not saying a word just laughing I'm crying I failed to protect my little sister I broke my promise to mom "Kara..."

I sat up In bed full of sweat and tears Maggie ran towards me "Alex what happened" I didn't have any words it was a dream it felt so real "Alex say something" I can't I'm frozen I wrapped myself in a ball crying thinking what if it's real what if it becomes real what if I can't protect her Maggie wrapped her arms around me humming that same song "I've got you" she repeated over and over till I believed it "it felt so real" I spoke quietly "what was it about" I wanted to tell her but I couldn't not the full truth anyways "Kara someone was killing her and I was stuck to the ground I couldn't save her I failed to protect her like I promised my mom" I was sobbing in Maggie's arms I couldn't handle this "Karas ok she's safe" those words made me cry more because she's not safe she's not ok she's getting whipped everytime she closes her eyes or tries to sit down I have to go back for her "I need to go home" I got up and packed my bags Maggie had finished my homework "Alex you shouldn't not in this state" I had to get to Kara "Maggie If you don't take me home I will walk" Maggie got up and grabbed her keys I followed her we got in the car the drive was silent "thank you for everything" she grabbed my hand "I'm always here Alex" I smiled "I know nights mags" "night Danvers" I got out and went in the back to climb the tree until I thought he would be mad if left without asking I went to the front door and saw Kara getting whipped it was 12 I could handle 7 hours of this "where were you Alex" "I was out" I answered coldly trying to piss him off Kara was begging me to shut up but I wasn't letting her go through this she's already been standing here for 7 hours "watch your tone or it will be you standing here" that's the plan "I have a life why should I come back right away so you can beat me" oh god I need to stop this is gonna hurt "Kara leave" she didn't budge "KARA GO" he whipped her in the back of the head she ran upstairs "Alex stand here" I dropped my bag and stood there taking every hit every mean words he throws at me I will take it I will always protect Kara even if it means getting hurt.

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