Chapter 11

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Maggie's POV

What just happened It was a Normal night and now I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room after taking Kara who was bleeding out and Alex who was shot who would shoot her and how did she not notice she was covered in cuts and blood ans I pretty sure I saw shards of glass on her a doctor came and sat down next to me "are you the girl who came in with Alex and Kara Danvers" I snapped out of my thoughts "yes are they ok" "they will be ok Alex got out of surgery and we patched up Kara she did loose a lot of blood but she will be ok although we noticed a couple of things and would like to ask some questions" I nodded "what happened" I would love to know "I don't know I got a call from a random number and it was Alex asking for help to come get her when I saw them both I asked what happened Alex said there was something she wanted to tell me but she was to afraid but tonight it went to far so I stopped asking and came here afraid that Kara was gonna die" she nodded "what did you see" "have they been acting weird like unexplainable pain or something like that" or don't answer my question "I'm not sure I can't ask their dad" "no don't call him where's their mother" does she think "she passed away why wouldn't I call Jeremiah he would want to know" she sighed "there's only so much I can say since your not family but we have a suspicion that they are being abused" but he seems so nice "both girls were covered in bruises old and new I wouldn't normally assume but it adds up to other cases we've seen so if there's anything please let us know" then everything added up "wait I think maybe there was something I didn't think much of it but when I slept over Alex was crying in the middle of the night and said she had a headache the next day she told me she knocked over a vase and picked it up with her bare hands and she showed up to school limping how did I not see it" I put my head in my hands the doctor put her hand on my shoulder "don't blame yourself no one would assume without concrete proof would you like to see them" I nodded "can I call someone to see Kara" she wasn't so sure "Kara will need someone like Alex will need me" she nodded and I called someone that Kara would want to see I dialed the number "hello" I heard a tired voice what time was it "hey Lena it's Maggie Sawyer" "oh your the girl who stood up for Kara no offence but why are you calling me at 3 in the morning" oh shit "it's Kara..." "is she ok" her voice had fear in it "well she is now but she'll need you were at the hospital" I could hear things moving on the other line "oh my god I'm on my way" "we will be in room 319" "thanks" she hung up and went to the room my heart broke at the sight in front of me the doctor let me stay all night and set up security in case Jeremiah tried something I sat on a chair beside Alex's bed until I heard movement on the other side of the room I walked over and sat on the end of the bed "hey little Danvers" Kara opened her eyes she went into panic and sat up way to fast and probably regretted it "easy Kara your ok your at the hospital" "Alex is she ok" I looked over to Alex sleeping "she will be I'm sorry I would kick your dads ass for the both of you" she started crying hearing that I hugged her but was extremely careful not to hurt her Lena came in and ran over to Kara "Kara what happened" Kara looked at me worried "you called her" " I knew you would need a friend" I winked only Kara saw I sat next to Alex waiting for her to wake up

Lenas POV

I ran in to see Maggie hugging Kara Maggie walked away to sit with Alex who hasn't looking so good "hey what the fuck happened you can't scare me like that" I sat on her bed hugging her afraid I would hurt her she had bandages on her shoulder and had cuts all over her arms "Kara did you do these" hey eyes went wide "oh god no it was well sorta broken window glass" what did she just say "Lena do you remember when I wouldn't tell you about my hand" where was this going I nodded "well when I told you I fell off my bed it was a half truth I was thrown off my bed by my father..." "Kara you don't mean" she sighed "my dad has been hitting me and Alex for years now and tonight he tried to avenge my mom by killing us he tried to stab Alex but I jumped infront of her and she threw us out of the window and ran we used someone's phone and called for help" I can't believe Karas father would hurt them "I'm sorry Kara I should have known" Kara took my hands "no Lena there's no way you would have known" I could feel myself about to cry but I won't i need to be here for Kara she patted a spot beside her bed I climbed on the hospital bed I didn't want to touch Kara in case I hurt her "I'm not gonna break Lena it's ok" I was still careful I put my head on her good shoulder and wrapped my other arm around her I won't let anyone hurt you again Kara I promise this night was one I would never forget my best friend was attacked by her own father I was never letting her out of my sight I soon fell asleep it was probably 3:30 by now and I was still tired

Hope you guys are liking this so far

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