Chapter 7

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Karas POV

I got a text from Alex telling me she was going to Maggie's after school I told her it's fine and to have fun but I was scared I hate staying home alone with dad afraid if he went to far I couldn't move I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see Lena "you ok Kara you've been standing in the parking lot for 10 minutes" wow time flew "yeah I'm fine I was waiting for Alex but she's going to a friends so I was about to start walking" "oh how fars your walk" I've actually never timed it "45 minutes maybe" her eyes went wide "Kara that's far" I shrugged "I like walking" "well I'm driving you today" "no Lena it's fine I don't mind walking" she took my hand and started walking there was no arguing so I told her my address and let her drive me "thank you Lena" she smiled satisfied with herself that she got to drive me "anytime Kara" I got out and walked through the front door and saw my dad holding something was that a whip where did he get that "Kara your home go stand infront of the couch I dropped my bag and walked over there he didn't say anything he turned on the tv holding his whip I don't know what to do should I try and sit or not move or walk away I tried sitting down but got hit on my back "you and your sister are so dumb no sitting just stand there until I say so" I didn't say anything my feet were already hurting it's only been an hour my dad was watching politics I know he hates it but he knows I hate it more he's doing this to spite me time felt like it was going slower and slower I collapsed and got hit 3 times I quickly got up and apologized and it was a cycle except more and more my body was aching more and more it was 12 and Alex came in talking back to dad was she insane I was pleading with her to shut up but she kept going my dad told me to leave but I wouldn't I knew what Alex was doing I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head everything went black for a second I ran upstairs like a coward feeling like the worst sister ever why did Alex need to prove herself I could take it I can't let her do this another night my head hurt really bad I laid on my bed and fell asleep feeling like shit. The next morning Alex woke me up again I couldn't help the tears "why Alex why can't you give yourself a break let me take the hits you need rest and we'll you need someone to not hit you all night twice" she sat on my bed with me "Kara do you remember when we were 7 and a little boy made fun of you at the park" I nodded remembering that day "after I told him off I went to see mom and she made me promise to always protect you no matter what you were my little sister and to keep you safe this is me keeping my promise Kara I would take a bullet for you I would die for you" "Alex stop this is an ego thing let me take the hit I can handle it I'm not the 7 year old girl that can't take a little boys insults I'm 16 I can protect myself take care of you ok you know what's protecting me having you by my side I can't have that if you can't move and are sleep deprived" she nodded we were both crying "HURRY UP" way to ruin the moment we changed and left for school I walked over to my friends "hey guys" "hey" James  spat "are you guys mad at me or something" James spoke up "you ditched us for 2 days now I wouldn't normally care this much but you've been with Lena Luthor I told you to stay away from her the projects over you don't need to hang out with her anymore" are you kidding me "James your acting like a child 48 hours I don't have to be by your side every minute of every day and I certainly don't need your permission for who I get to hang out with and for your information Lena has been nothing but kind to me since I've been hanging out with her" Nia and Wynn were quiet but clearly didn't agree with James "Kara really you got beat up twice because of her" "so you watched me get beat up and didn't do anything" James stopped talked Nia clearly didn't know "James you watched Kara get bullied and didn't stop them what the hell is wrong with you" Nia stepped away from him and towards me "Alex and Maggie had it handled" "I would expect my so called best friend to interfere and not my sisters best friend" Wynn was still quiet I walked away and Nia came with me "I'm sorry Kara I would have never let him to that to you I was honestly scared of Lena and I just didn't want you to get hurt" I put my hand on her shoulder "I know and there's nothing to be scared about trust me how about you meet her first then you can decide what you want to do" she nodded we walked over to Lena she leaned in for a hug I was happy to return it until my whole body hurt but the hug was worth it "Lena I want you to meet my friend Nia" Lena smiled "it's nice to meet you Nia" Nia took her hand and they got to know each other I could tell Nia liked Lena they really hit it off the bell rang we all agreed to meet up at lunch I couldn't help but think about Alex and how she was doing

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