Chapter 15

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(2 Time jump again sorry Kara and Lena live together)

Karas POV

I opened my eyes and saw a sleeping brunette on my chest I smiled and kissed her head she groaned "good morning sleepy head" she looked up I stared into her green eyes I've always loved them "hi" I went to stand up but Lena tighten her grip "no I don't want to get up" I giggled "come on we have work as much I want to stay and cuddle we can't" I stood up while Lena was attached to me like a koala she was so cute "it's Friday last day before our days off" she looked up "as long as your supergirl there are no days off" fair point "not an excuse" I pecked her lips and pulled her off I went for a shower when I came out and changed I went downstairs and saw Lena cooking breakfast "I could have cooked" she laughed "I love you darling but you can't cook for the life of you" I fake pouted "rude" I checked my phone "shit I'm gonna be late bye love you" I kissed her on the cheek and ran for cat-co I used a bit of super speed and heated miss grants coffee myself and somehow had a minute to spare "hey Winn" he smiled I still can't believers work together we made up and both laughed at stupid high school drama and we're really close now "hey Kara" the only ones who knows who I really am is Maggie Alex Lena and the D.E.O I couldn't tell anyone in case I put them in danger I felt bad but there safety came first "Keiraaaa" I ran to the elevator "yes miss grant" I passed her coffee to her "make some appointments and have a salad ready at lunch in time" "yes miss grant" she left to her office Wynn laughed "close call" "yep" I breathed out and we both started laughing the news went on there was a burning building "I have to meet up with Alex bye Wynn" he waved once I was out of sight I took off I didn't check what building it was once I flew up I saw L-corp falling to pieces omg Lena I flew in and got everyone out but I couldn't find Lena I used my freeze breath to put out the fires and caught some falling chunks I used my x-ray vision and saw Lena in a chair she wasn't moving I flew in broke down the door and saw Lena knocked out there was a lot of smoke then I felt it pain a lot of it kryptonite... I didn't care Lena mattered more I untied her picked her up bridal style and flew towards the D.E.O I started falling from the pain once I was in I collapsed but I warped my arms around Lena making sure I took all the impact "KARA" I heard Alex's voice she was yelling at agents to get us both help next thing I knew everything went black.

Lenas POV

It was a normal day at work till someone grabbed me and shoved me in a closet he said I was bait and nothing else but he wouldn't mind killing me like that if his boss told him to spare me he started putting kryptonite everywhere I was getting worried I knew it was a trap for Kara I didn't want to show any fear that was being a Luthor 101 he laughed wished me luck and set the walls on fire I tried to fight and get out but at one point I was out. I opened my eyes to very bright lights Alex came running "thank god your awake" I sat up and thought If I'm in the D.E.O that means Kara saved me meaning she's hurt "where is she" Alex's face dropped "she'll be ok she flew in but lost control and crashed landed in here with you in her arms she ignored all the pain and symptoms of the kryptonite to get you back here safe" I felt a tear run down my face "it was a trap someone grabbed me and tied me up set it up and left me there knowing she would show up does that mean someone knows who Kara is" Alex got worried "we have to be careful if someone knows this can go bad for both of you and everyone Kara cares for" I stood up and stumbled a little Alex grabbed me "Lena you should take it easy" "take me to her" she nodded and helped me over to her she is under sun lamps and I was trying to fight the tears I sat down Alex left to give us a moment I grabbed her hand "your my hero you know Kara Zor-el so you better wake up soon because I need you not supergirl I need Kara so please wake up baby" she mumbled something I shot up "Kara can you hear me say it again "I'll never leave you I need you too" I cried and hugged her "it's gonna take a lot more then that to knock me down" she smiled at me and Alex came in "hey I know what your going to say I should have called for backup" Kara rolled her eyes at her sister "no I was going to say you should have called for backup dummy" it was kinda hard not to laugh at the Danvers they have the same bond they did in high school "so we need to know who did this" I nodded Kara got up not listening to anyone we went to the front and saw j'onn j'onzz he cares for the sisters a lot like his own daughters "glad your ok Kara" she smiled and things got more serious "ok so this person knew Kara would get me no matter what so how would they know who she is" j'onn thought for a second "or that was them confirming it if they had suspicions they needed to see if they were right whoever it is there smart" but who would be that smart "what if it's lex" everyone looked at me "he never liked kryptonians and I stopped talking to him once he went on and on how he wanted them dead he's the only one in national city that's smart enough to make a plan like that" "who tied you up did it look like lex" "no he's not that stupid he would send a pond to protect himself and have it far away from him so we won't get caught if it's really him we have to be extremely careful" everyone stared at me in shock that I would accuse my own brother of trying to hurt me "lex would do anything to hurt a super even if it means hurting me I'm a pond to him" I looked down disappointed he would do that to me Kara put her arm around my shoulder "let's not jump to conclusions without proof he's an option but let's get more information ok" I nodded and laid my head on her shoulder "can we go home please" I said quietly so only Kara would hear me "yeah of course" we said our goodbyes and Kara flew us back home I was so tired with everything that happened and Kara knew she always knew she put me on the couch she got a blanket some leftover pizza she sat on the couch and opened her arms signalling me to come cuddle I gladly listen and tucked my head in the crook of her neck she put the blanket around us playing with my hair I fell asleep knowing I would be safe in my girlfriends arms.

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