Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

Kara left to her friends and I was heading to the bathroom I knew Maggie was waiting at my locker I couldn't put on a smile again not after another 7 hours of torture my whole body was aching there was not one part of me that didn't hurt if I sit down I will fall asleep I feel light headed I walked in the bathroom to see Lucy and her friend group "look who it is" when I told Kara I could win a fight against her I didn't think I would have doubts "what do you want Lucy" she laughed "you humiliated me twice and now your cornered no backup no friends well you only have one anyway is she even your friend no one would want to be your friend" I could definitely not fight her right now but I could make it seem like it "Lucy I don't even know how you have friends I wouldn't even call them friends more followers like they follow you for attention and money you think they really care about you" her face went red I struck a nerve normally in this situation I would be happy to piss her off but not when I'm alone in a bathroom 1 against 6 "your cocky see how long that lasts" they all started walking towards me I am so screwed Lucy grabbed me pined me against the wall and punched me repeatedly in the face dropped me and had her minions kick me for a while till the door opened and someone came in I could taste the blood I knew I looked pretty bad I heard yelling and someone fall to the ground and people left the bathroom "Alex" I heard a voice it was Maggie I don't dare to move I don't feel to much pain but once I move it's over it's something I learnt the hard way Maggie pulled me on her lap and then pain shot everywhere "Alex can you hear me" there was panic in her voice meaning I didn't look to good "yeah" I tried sitting up didn't work I fell back down on her lap "I can take you to a nurse or something maybe we can call your dad or skip school" oh god no "no no I'm fine" I successfully sat up and had my back to the wall "what is your definition of fine" well me right now any more pain then I'd be a little worried "I don't know let's just go to class" I tried to get up which also failed ugh I could have taken her maybe not now but a couple days ago Maggie put her arm around my waist and picked me up "ow fuck" "I'm sorry" "it's not your fault I'll live" she looked at me almost annoyed "why is that your standards are your alive Alex your aloud to say it hurts there are other words then I'm fine" was she mad "I'm sorry I'm not good with feelings ok I stuff them down and that goes for pain too I don't like admitting it" I blurted out I don't know why I cared so much if she was mad at me or not "then we will work on it together" she said softly and those words melted my heart "ok" she helped me walk but I hurt so bad I couldn't take anymore of anything "we should go to the nurse" I would but the bruises she will find won't add up to the time and damage "no really I don't need to" she sighed "ok then I'm taking you home" fuck that's even worse "no Maggie I'm fine to stay at school" "why are you being difficult fine we will go to my house" I mean that's the best option "your not letting me say no are you" she laughed "no I am not you can't stop me can you" "not right now anyway" I mumbled under my breath which apparently she heard "not ever Danvers" we walked out of school no one even noticed or they didn't care we got in Maggie's car she looked worried "is it really that bad" she looked at me and nodded slightly "well it probably looks worse then it is feels" that was a lie it probably looks a lot better then it feels but I won't tell Maggie that I looked in the mirror to see bruises all over my face my lip was bleeding "still think so" "yeah it's way worse then it feels" "Alex" she said in a very intimidating tone  "ok so it's about the same" "Alex" she repeated somehow scarier then the first time "ok ok ok maybe hurts like a little maybe a lot more then it looks" "see Danvers was that so hard" yes Maggie yes it was "maybe" she gave me a death glare "no it was not" she smiled what the fuck her emotions just changed so quickly we got to her drive way and walked in the house "mom can you do me a favour" Maggie put me behind her so her mom wouldn't freak out I was still putting all my weight on her "Maggie what are you doing home oh hello Alex" I waved not wanting to speak "can you call the school and tell them you picked me and Alex up and there's no need to call her dad" she put her hands on her hips "I will consider it if you give me a good reason" Maggie didn't have one and having her mom know I got beat up is way better then the school calling dad so I stepped forward still hanging on to Maggie for support "oh my god Alex" "I pissed a bully off the other day and her and her little minions found me alone in the bathroom and took there opportunity to get me back" "I'll call the school and make you girls food" "thanks mom" Maggie picked me up with no warning and carried me down the stairs "sorry I thought it would be less painful" my heart skipped a beat "it's ok thanks" she put me down on her bed and all I wanted to do was sleep and Maggie knew that "you can sleep you need it" way to tired to fight back "wake me up before school ends can we pick up Kara" she smiled at me "of course" she sat down on the bed beside me and carefully wrapped her arms around me and hummed the same song as usual it put me to sleep right away.

Maggie and Alex are getting really close the next chapter will probably be Kara and Lena hope you guys are liking it so far

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