Chapter 14

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Time jump 2 years (Jeremiah hasn't been caught yet)

Alex's POV

I can't believe it I'm getting married holy shit I'm so nervous Kara opened the door "hey how you holding up" I laughed "I'm freaking out actually it's so weird that I'm gonna be happy and your 18 I'm getting married things are moving so fast" she put her hand on my shoulder "breath Alex this day will be perfect nothing can go wrong" she was right this is my perfect day nothing will go wrong "Alex where's your gun" I smiled "what do you mean Kara it's at home" she glared at me "it's just in case you know he comes back it's for safety Kara stop looking at me that way" she rolled her eyes "ok you look stunning Alex let's go" we walked to the isle and waited for my future wife to walk down it. The music starts playing and I'm getting more and more anxious but the good kind like a shit ton of butterflies the doors open and I see Maggie looking beautiful as always she steps up and grabs my hands and our moms friend Hank Henshaw was marring us I didn't write anything down for the vows I was going to wing it she said hers and I'm almost in tears but I'm not messing up my makeup I said mine everything is going great "if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace" everyone's quiet till I heard a creek "I object" I turned to see my father no he's not ruining my dad I pulled out my gun from my dress and pushed Maggie behind me "I'm really glad you have that now" Kara spoke up Lena was standing infront of Kara shielding her from our dad "you know I was expecting to walk you down the aisle and for it to be a man not a women dyke" he spat I was about to pull the trigger but I froze I can't kill him I won't stoop to his level he pulled out a gun and laughed everyone ran it was me Maggie Lena and Kara and my father I really need to pull the trigger but I can't I heard a shot and closed my eyes ready for impact but didn't feel anything I opened my eyes and saw a red cape "superman?" He had caught the bullet with his bare hands "I trusted you Jeremiah" "what are you talking about Superman I have never seen you and it's stupid to trust me" he rolled his eyes and crushed my fathers gun "Eliza would be disappointed in you she was right to take care of Kara I should have came back" what was he talking about Kara looked just as confused as us "you don't get to talk about my wife or my daughter"
"First of all yes I do Eliza was a wonderful person and second Kara isn't your daughter" my eyes widened so did Kara "your a liar Superman I watched her mom give birth to her" Superman picked him up and flew away "what did he just say" I turned to Kara "I-I don't know" Superman was back "your fathers in prison I'm sorry I didn't come sooner Kara I knew I should have never left you with anyone but me" "um not to be rude but I don't know you this is my family"
"You should have your memories back"
"Memories I have no clue what your talking about" he pulled out a water bottle "drink this you'll remember everything" she was about to take it "Kara stop what if it's poison or something" she took it "I don't think superman would poison an innocent" she drank it and fainted Superman caught her "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" I started running at him but Maggie grabbed my hand "Alex I love you but you won't win a fight with the man of steel" I have tears falling my makeups definitely ruined Lena was crying holding Kara "relax guys give her a minute it's supposed to work that way I think"
"You think!" Lena snapped "I would never hurt her she's family" I'm sorry what Kara opened her eyes screaming "NOOO" she looked around and dried her tears she looked up at Superman "Kal-el?" She said he smiled she jumped up in his arms "KAL" "hey Kara"

Kara POV

Holy crap I'm not human I can't believe they memory wiped me "what the fuck" I punched kal and he flew across the room "w-what how did I do that" kal flew back over "Kara let's not do that please you can actually hurt me" I could hurt the man of steel "why would you do that you made me forget everything" I was crying I didn't bother looking at everyone I was to scared "Kara I'm sorry you were hurting when you got here and I was all grown up I wanted you to have a proper childhood"
"You left me there you left me like everyone else and you know what happened I got beat and almost killed and I was defenceless I couldn't protect me or Alex I could have stopped him for rao sake I can hurt you" he put his hand on my shoulder I was so mad everything was so loud I can see everything I can't do this "Kara you have to calm down you don't have control over your powers" I could hear him a little but it was so loud I didn't even notice Lena sit beside me "Kara look at me" I looked up "breath with me I'm right here Alex is here Maggie is here you have to breath" she grabbed my hand she took a deep breaths and I mirrored it till everything stopped "ok can someone explain" Alex spoke up so much for perfect day I stood up "my name is Kara Zor-el I'm form krypton like Superman he's actually my little cousin" Lena tiled her head "little cousin?" I nodded "our planet was exploding they sent kal-el and they told me to take care of him when we got were but my pod got knocked off course and I got stuck in the phantom zone for a long time I never aged when I crashed I remember seeing kal and then it goes blank" everyone was shocked "I understand if you don't love me anymore" Alex Maggie and Lena steeped forward "it will take a lot more then that to get rid of us little Danvers" I smiled and hugged Alex "to tight to tight" I let go "sorry sorry sorry gotta work on that" we laughed "well I can actually officially marry you two if you want to make up for the surprise" we all nodded "you may now kiss the bride" Alex dipped Maggie and they smiled "thanks kal" he smiled "no problem now I think we should train together so we can control your powers"
"Yeah sounds good" he walked in the middle of the room "I'll see you tomorrow Kara" I waved "bye kal" just like that he was gone "so this is a wedding no one will forget" we all started laughing Maggie took us home I talked to Lena about krypton she was really interested I'm so happy she still loves me I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend like her we went to bed cuddled up together I know together me and Lena can overcome anything

Hope you guys like this i think I'll bring Barry in later

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