Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

Karas hidden behind me I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared "dad what are you doing" he grabbed my shirt and Karas wrist and dragged us to out rooms and threw us both at the floor I moved over to block him from Kara "do you know what tomorrow is" I'll never forget "the day your mother died and it was your fault Alex" my fault no he's lying "she went to the store to get you something because you were sad and she never came back" every word we hit me with the knife there were gashes all over my arms Kara pleading with him to stop tears were falling no it can't be my fault "now your going to pay I'll take your life like you took hers" my eyes went wide he would kill his own daughter I'm frozen I can't move I'm to scared he went to stab me but I didn't feel anything I heard a thump and opened my eyes to see Kara on the ground "NO KARA" no no no no I picked her up and stared at my dad he laughed just like in my dream "whatever one of you works you'll both be dead anyway" not on my watch I grabbed Kara held her tight and jumped out the window it wasn't open the weight of both of us broke the glass I hit the ground first and Kara landed on top of me but I didn't stop I picked her up and started running ignoring all pain I heard gun shots which only made me run faster Kara was still conscious after about 5 minutes I stopped by a sign and rested Karas head on my lap applying pressure to her shoulder "Kara talk to me" "I couldn't let him kill you I can't live without you" "Kara I can't live without you either ok so no doing stupid shit like that I'm gonna call for help I need a phone shit mines at home" I started checking Karas pockets and felt something I pulled out a phone but it was very cracked and at 1% fuck "ok Kara I need to get help can you hold pressure on your shoulder I promise I won't be long"
"Alex please don't leave me what if I" "no your not hang tight for me" she nodded I started running for the first house I see knocking on the door a little girl answered  shocked about how I looked "what happen to you" "are your parents home" she nodded "can you go get them please" she nodded again and ran off a minute later a woman came her jaw dropped as soon as she saw me "Oh my god are you alright" well that's a stupid question "do you have a phone please I'm begging you my sister she needs help we don't have our phones" she looked annoyed "your alone are you high or something" I can't do this right now "no I had to leave her behind she's in worse shape then me please ma'am I need to make a call it'll only take a minute" she went back inside and came out with a phone "thank you so much" I dialed Maggie's number "hello" "Maggie" "Alex who's number is this" "it doesn't matter I need help" I could hear her stand up "Alex are you ok" "no I'm not ok and neither is Kara can you drive to sixth street please hurry" I heard her keys "on my way" I hung up and was crying "thank you so much miss" she was concerned realizing I'm not high "where's your sister" "sitting in the middle of nowhere waiting for me thanks again" I bent down to the little girl "and always appreciate your parents kid your lucky to have such great ones" she smiled and I started running back to Kara I was so out of breath and felt dizzy but shrugged it off "Kara" I sat down "Alex..." "I know help is coming hang on keep taking to me and stay awake" she smiled "remember when we would make forts in our room and w-watch movies together even tho we were supposed to be asleep" "yeah and when we get out of here we can do it again we will watch your favourite the wizard of oz and eat potstickers and popcorn and anything you want ok" she started coughing "what if I don't make it" "you will make it you'll be ok" she put her hand on mine "Alex if I go don't stop living ok keep going I'll always be in your heart don't stay sad forever and tell Lena" "Kara stop your not dying on me understand I'm not telling Lena anything because you can tell her yourself" "no Alex listen tell her I love her" she what "In that way" she smiled "yeah she's beautiful and smart and talented and caring I wish I told her sooner" my little sister had a crush "you will get to tell her yourself ok" I saw a car coming and I knew it was Maggie "see helps here" Maggie pulled over and ran over to us "holy shit what happened" I picked Kara up "it's a long story we need a hospital" she nodded we got in the car and she started driving fast "Alex what's going on" "Maggie's there's something I didn't tell you because I was afraid but it went to far tonight and I'm" she cut me off "Alex if you say your fine I will kill you" "I was actually gonna say I'm scared as hell" we pulled up to the hospital and ran in with Kara in my arms "help I need help my sister someone" doctors came running putting her in a gurney Maggie looked at me and gasped "Alex your bleeding" what "no it's Karas" she pulled my shirt up "Alex that's a fucking bullet" shit how did I not feel that oh god there's a bullet in me I've been shot "Maggie..." I started feeling numb "shit no no Alex" everything went black

Sorry not sorry I enjoyed writing this Maybe I'll update again tonight because Maggie's finally gonna find out the truth

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