Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

The last bell rang I got my bag and went to the parking lot and saw Maggie "hey Danvers let's go" I smiled not trusting my words we got in the car I told her the address I'm so freaked out what will he be like when I have a friend over

Maggie's POV

Alex told me where she lived it was quiet Alex seemed off anxious maybe I've never seen this side of her she was confondent not afraid to speak her mind but here she was shy and anxious ready for anything to happen "what bus do you normally take" I tried to start a conversation so she didn't feel so awkward "oh uh I walk" she what "isn't your house like a 10 minute drive that's like a long ass walk" she fiddled with her sleeves wow she was really off "yeah I guess me and Kara like walking and we decided to just walk"
"Don't your parents stop you or something" she looked out the window not making eye contact "my dad he doesn't mind as long as we're happy" shit she doesn't have a mom how did I not know this well she is really closed off about her family and home life I wasn't expecting that we pulled up to her house her breath hitched what was up with her we got out of the car and walked in she looked around for her dad I'm assuming he came out of a room "Alex hey how was your day sweetheart" he hugged her but her initier body tensed up "h-hey dad it was good how was your" she smiled "great" they kept staring at each other no one moved till Alex broke the silence "this is Maggie we will do the project in my room" he put his hand out for me "nice to meet you Maggie" I smiled and shook his hand "nice to meet you too Mr Danvers" he smiled so much it was almost forced "please call me Jeremiah" I nodded and we went upstairs we did a lot of the project Alex seemed tense she was really jumpy and very aware of every noise she's almost paranoid "hey Alex you ok" she looked up at me and smiled "yeah just a little out of it that's all" I shrugged it off we finally finished the project it was late I was about to head home until Alex's dad came in "hey girls how's the project going" Alex spoke quietly which wasn't like her at all "good we finished Maggie Was about to head home" he looked at Alex then at me "your welcome to sleepover if you'd like Maggie" Alex was beyond shocked but her dad shot her a look and that changed to a smile "only if you want to mags" something seemed off "yeah sure I'll just text my parents I'm positive they'll be fine with it" Alex let out a breath she put away the project and said goodnight to her dad Karas bed was full so we shared hers I fell asleep pretty quickly and so did Alex

Alex's POV

My eyes shot opened as I was being dragged into the hallway and dropped on the ground "what the fuck Alex" I didn't speak in case I said something wrong "your acting suspicious why did you act like that" I spoke quietly and as calmly as I could "I didn't think you would want her to stay over or be nice to me I thought you would just ignore us" he growled "because that's what normal dads do god your stupid ugh your gonna blow this" "sorry" he laughed "sorry doesn't fix it sorry is a word actions work better then words" he picked up a vase and smashed it on my head "clean it up bitch" he walked away and left me there to pick it up I picked up little shards and cut myself a couple times once it was done I went back to bed but every time I would close my eyes my head would feel like it was gonna explode I was really dizzy I started crying silently like I normally do but I guess I made some noise because Maggie woke up "hey you ok" I tried to sound strong and ok but it hurt so bad how did Kara do this "yeah I'm fine just a headache" she sat up and and stared at me with her brown eyes full of concern "then why are you crying" she lifted her hand I flinched a little she wiped the tears "it just hurts" she hugged me and laid us both down wrapping her arms around me which only made me cry more because of the affection I haven't felt this since mom crying just made my head hurt more once I calmed down I heard Maggie humming a song while stroking my hair I felt so loved and cared for it put me to sleep immediately.

Maggie's POV

Alex's breathing evened out tonight I saw a side of Alex Danvers that I never thought I'd see she is so vulnerable and fragile she let her walls down and I'm assuming Kara is the only other person who saw this she I never thought I would be holding her in my arms I've always had a thing for Alex she's a bad ass smart beautiful girl that I would do anything for but I don't even think she likes me that way or even if she likes girls at all while I was stroking her hair I felt something sharp I pulled out a shard of a vase what the fuck was that doing there did she get up and fall is that what her headache was she could have a concussion shes bleeding I'll ask when we wake up I stayed awake for as long as I could but I ended up falling asleep holding my crush Alexandra Danvers.

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