Chapter 18

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Karas POV

It's been a week Lena is working none stop it's worrying me I can barely get her to take a break Alex was no better Maggie tried her best but she was getting pushed away like I was "I'm worried" I said the Maggie she sighed "me too little Danvers I haven't seen her like this since I picked you and her up at the side of the road all those years ago" I cringed at the memories and she wasn't wrong Alex was afraid for everyone Lena felt like it's her fault when it's not I heard an explosion and turned to the TVs "the elementary school is being blown up where is Supergirl has she given up on us..." no this can't be happening "I have to go" j'onn stopped me "you can't expose yourself this is part of the plan they want to draw you out" my jaw clenched "well it worked" I ran before he could stop me I jumped out and flew as fast as I could I was almost there till I felt powerless I fell to the ground once I hit the ground I felt so much pain I stood up and saw the sun was red. No it's to early we had another week I heard someone In my ear piece "Kara can you hear me are you ok" the voice was scared and panicked it was Alex "I'm fine we're out of time" I could hear movement "Lena is almost done" I started walking there's still kids in there "where are you going Kara"
"To go help" "are you insane your powerless this is what Lex wants" "I refuse to put innocent children at risk" I kept walking my body aching every step I take. After what feels like forever I make it but the fires gone I can hear reporters I can see Lex my blood boils "supergirl has failed you she left everyone to die but I was here to save them I always will" some were cheering for Lex others yelling it was chaos I heard footsteps I turned to see robots they all had suits like Lex all marching towards me I put my fists up Lex was getting all the glory while I was getting my ass kicked by robots I managed to get them all but I was not doing so great I was bleeding a lot I could feel my bones moving the wrong ways but I wasn't done I walked over to the reporters "he's a liar" I said as loud as I could everyone turned Lex was surprised I was still in one piece "your robots couldn't quite so the job Lex so cut the crap and tell them the truth that you caused the explosion and changed the sun so I couldn't save them your a monster Lex your insane if you think this is what being a hero is" I heard gasps and "I told you so" in the crowd he was angry I could see it in his face "if my robots couldn't kill you I'll just have to do it myself" he punched me in the gut and sent me flying in to a concret wall I remember that being softer when I couldn't feel pain I definitely heard a crack in my ribs gotta keep going I got one good punch on Lex but he laughed and pulled out a gun I could see the light green from here he shot and I dodged it come on Lena please hurry I avoided all his shots but I could feel more and more pain as I got slower and the bullets got closer "Lex you don't have to do this think of Lena she wouldn't want you to kill me" he laughed "you really lost hope if your trying to talk me out of this and it does hurt a little to hurt my little sister but I'm helping she should have never have fallen for a freak like you" he shot and I wasn't fast enough grazed my leg I screamed in pain that's the worst of it "don't you see I win even if the public won't love me they'll fear me your a goner supergirl checkmate" he said all cocky then I felt it the sun it was back it won't be fast enough to heal me but it gives me my powers back I saw a gun from the corner of my eye and grabbed it both me and Lex pulled the trigger neither of us being able to react fast enough to each other we were both on the ground I have no idea where I shot him I know he hit my stomach I can feel so much pain the most I've ever felt with all the energy I had left "you lost Lex checkmate" I whispered before everything went black I could still hear voices in my ear piece but I couldn't respond I was down this is it I'm gonna die but if I do I died saving everyone I hate killing people but for the worlds sake I really hope I killed Lex or that he will bleed out and die if I go I can't leave national city with him I would be dead for nothing my sacrifice wouldn't matter I tried to fight with everything in me but I couldn't I gave in I let myself go.

I could hear voices am I dead? I opened my eyes and there is very bright sun lamps in my face I smiled weakly I looked to my side and saw Alex, Maggie and Lena sleeping I reached for Lenas hand ignoring my body's cry's to stop her hand was cold she flinched and opened her eyes I smiled at her she jumped up "ALEX MAGGIE" that's fucking loud my sister and her girlfriend opened there eyes and shot up Lena was almost in tears Alex was bawling her eyes out Maggie was smiling "your alive" Lena basically tackled me "ow ow ow very broken body" she got off quickly "I'm sorry I just it's been a month" a what now "I've been out for a month" my mouth now wide open "you can't scare me like that ever again Kara" my big sister said wiping her tears "I knew you'd wake up little Danvers" Maggie said I'm positive she was scared for me I remember voices people talking to me I recall Maggie admitting she was scared I can tease her later "you did it Kara you saved the city again although I'm mad at you for almost getting yourself killed" I was definitely getting a lecture later "did I...kill him" Alex looked down "yeah he was dead when we found him" I winced at the fact that I killed someone "you saved countless lives Kara you did what you had to do" Lena reassured me she sat beside me "get some rest you'll be all healed up when you wake up" I grabbed her hand "stay with me?" She smiled "always" I closed my eyes hanging on to Lena afraid to wake up without her.

It's been a week I'm fully recovered with my powers back there's one person I really wanted to see right now I left to D.E.O it felt like forever I walked over to cat-co I got up to the top floor and went to miss grants office she was buried in work she did that was she was mad sad or worried she didn't even notice me walk in "must have a terrible assistant not even helping you with that work load" she looked up quickly and ran over to me wrapping her arms around me which surprised me miss grant wasn't one for affection "your alive" she breathed out she let go and smiled "yeah didn't mean to scare you" she scoffed "who me scared not a chance I knew you were fine" I giggled "of course" we went out to her balcony were she gave me the best advice "you know you gave the city quite a scare miss Danvers" I looked out at the city "yeah I honestly thought I was a goner soon as the sun turned red but no matter how much pain I was in or how much the odds were against me I had to fight for my family my friends so I did I planned to do it till my very last breath but I don't think my sister or girlfriend will let me have my very last breath" I laughed thinking about It "you've got yourself quite the support team" I nodded "I have you too you've given me the best advice you know you've helped me so much" she smiled "I'm glad you mean a lot to me Kara Danvers more then I wanted to care but I do" Lena said something similar "I'm told I have that affect" it was quiet a good quiet where you feel safe I heard a fire broadcasting on the news on the TVs behind us "I gotta get going" miss grant smiled "of course go get em supergirl" I smiled and flew off

I'm so so sorry I haven't updated I've been very stressed and busy so this chapter is a couple hundred words longer hope you enjoyed I'm thinking one or two more chapters before finishing it off

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