Chapter 5

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Karas POV

me and Alex were walking home and I couldn't stop talking about what happened "you were amazing and so scary at the same time" she laughed "thanks I just couldn't stand her hitting you, you deal with enough already and I could actually stand up to her I know I can and would win a fight with her unlike him..." I felt bad I didn't think she felt like it was her fault she couldn't stop dad "Alex don't think like that it's not your fault we're so close to moving out were almost there" the walk was quiet from there. We walked in the house and saw dad he looked pissed "so you think you get to hit someone at school" shit "I'm sorry" Alex said quietly no this wasn't her fault it was mine "it was my fault I got knocked down and Alex was just protecting me" Alex gave me a look to stop talking and I soon realized why "so you stopped a girl from hitting Kara" Alex nodded I didn't say anything "I already took away food so sleep is next I guess, who stays up all night first" sleep what was wrong with him I was about to say me because this was all my fault but Alex spoke up "me I'm the one who hit her it's my fault don't make Kara suffer for something I did" he laughed "I have to make you both suffer she'll stay up tomorrow run along Kara" I ran upstairs and started to cry it's all my fault I shouldn't have relied on her I should have just walked away why did I have to cause so much pain I went in the bathroom and stared at the blade I picked it up and pressed it against my skin until a voice came in my head "I will always be here day or night" Lenas voice everything is my fault I pressed the cold blade against my wrist and put pressure dragging it across my arm it stung but it felt good at the same time I did 3 lines and felt ashamed I dropped the blade cleaned up and covered my wrist I grabbed my phone and called the one person I could rely on I put the phone to my ear "hello" I heard a tired voice on the other line shit I didn't mean to wake her up "I'm sorry I woke you I can just hang up I don't want to bug you" my voice was shaking I could feel the tears running down my face "Kara are you ok" she was concerned I didn't know what to say my heart was screaming no I'm not ok I need help but my head was telling me to shut up and no one likes me and I'm wasting everyone's time "Kara" I heard a soft voice "no I need a friend" I could hear her get out of bed I felt so bad "meet me at the park?" she told me "ok" I hung up and jumped down from my window and walked to the park I saw Lena waiting there I ran over to her and started crying she quickly wrapped her arms around me "hey what happened talk to me" I took a deep breath "Alex got in trouble for hitting Lucy and it's all my fault and I shouldn't have said anything or maybe just let her beat me she's in a lot of shit and it's because of me and I starting thinking dark thoughts and did something stupid and I hate myself for it and I can't do this anymore" I really hope she understood that because I'm balling my eyes out and can barely breath "Kara look at me" I looked in her green eyes "breath in" I took a breath "and out" I let it out "what did you do" I looked away and pulled up my sleeve "I'm sorry" I said quietly ashamed of what I did she lifted my arm and kissed the cuts "I'm sorry I couldn't help" I turned to look at her "you did help I stopped because I heard your voice in my head telling me to stop and call you and I did I knew I could count on you" she hugged me I hung on to her like my life depended on it "I'm always here Kara always" I cried a little more then we talked and laughed till 2 AM "I should get back thank you Lena for everything" we stood up she kissed my cheek "no problem Kara have a good night" I waved and walked back home I climbed the tree that led to my room I changed landed in bed and fell asleep.

Alex's POV

Kara ran upstairs she better not blame herself for this I wish I was there to tell her it's not her fault but it's his she's not the bad guy she's the victim for god sakes I was about to sit down till I felt a whip hit the back of my leg I yelped "you didn't think you would get to sit down did you" I didn't say anything afraid to get in more trouble for hours I watched the clock change minute to minute it was so slow everytime I would bend my legs to much of even fall asleep or my legs would give out I would get hit with the whip I probably had marks all over me I wasn't worried about that I was worried about Kara I couldn't let her go through this I promised to protect her even if I was only a kid I am going to keep that promise whatever it takes even if I have to start a fight in school even if I have to talk back I can't let Kara stay up all night getting whipped the clock finally hit 7 o'clock he let me go change I ran upstairs and looked in the mirror I was covered in red marks on my legs thighs stomach hips everywhere but the face I wore a sweater and leggings not something I normally wear but it will have to do I woke up Kara soon as she saw me her eyes were full of tears "I'm sorry" I hugged her "you don't get to be sorry understand your not the bad guy he is you are a wonderful human being you never forget that ok" she nodded got up and ready for the day we walked in silence she was probably to afraid to ask what happened all night I could tell she saw my limping and looked away immediately feeing guilty I grabbed her hand and squeezed it telling her I was ok we walked in the school Kara went towards Lena that surprised me normally her friends were waiting and she would always go see them I went to my locker and saw Maggie there which made me smile "hey Danvers" "morning Sawyer" I opened my locker to put away my stuff "what's with the outfit you never wear sweaters" "I know it was all that was left in my closet my dads doing laundry tonight" I lied I was doing laundry tonight secretly "well you look good in sweaters" I blushed "let's go to class" we both walked to English class together my whole body hurt and I was falling asleep today was going to be a long day

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