Chapter 12

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Hiya Jean,

I’m really sorry but I didn’t realise anything today because I forgot to pay attention on that.

I will pay attention to the way you act and things on Thursday, promise!

All in all I think it was okay today but we didn’t really come forward because Mrs Kingston was away and therefore she could correct us and give us tips. But it was fun singing with you anyway!

And I can’t remember what I thought when I looked in your eyes because as I said I didn’t think about what you wrote me earlier.

Bye, Darin”

Why didn’t he pay attention to it? I was so nervous today and I was really excited about his answer because I wanted to know what he thought and what his impression was on the whole thing. And now he didn’t even pay attention to it?

When I told him about my feelings and things I thought that he was interested in it and was excited to see these things himself just as I was excited about his Email. But he wasn’t at all?



Dear Darin,

It’s too bad that you didn’t pay attention to it. I would have really liked to read what you think about the whole thing. But okay on Thursday then!

And you didn’t say anything about my feeling that I want to do it again now and that I feel kind of empty and disappointed (I think that is a better word for it). What do you think about that? Why do I have this feeling?

And I forgot to tell you something else about feelings: I had a strange prickling feeling in my belly when... I looked into your eyes.

What did you do today after school?

I listened to music and did some dancing... Oh and waited for your email!

See you, Jean”

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