Chapter 1

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The second week of school must always be the worst. Eren's thoughts were stuck in that while looking at the Sakura tree outside through the window "Eren Yeager would you please pay attention?" said, Mister.
Eren snapped out of his trance and apologize to Mister even though he seemed miserable with his life.

The bell rang and it was lunchtime, Eren got up and met with his friends at their usual table outside while others were inside. Armin, his childhood friends, was always reading a book. Jean and Marco were talking and so were Sasha and Connie. Annie was scrolling through her phone as well as Historia and Ymir while their arms were wrapped around each other. Hitch and Marlo, we're having their usual couple fight. Eren sat next to Armin.

"Hey, Armin what you reading?" asked Eren. Armin looked up from his book and smile warmly at seeing Eren

"Nothing too much just about the weapon used in the very first war," answered Armin "How was your English class?"

"It was a nightmare in there and let me tell you, mister seemed ready to end his life."

Armin chuckled and said, "I am not surprised, with seeing students who seem the least interesting in learning you would want to die."

They both laughed and chatted more

Eren always felt at ease talking to Armin. Armin knew him better than anyone and he knew Armin better than anyone. They live next door to each other. They have always been inseparable even their parents had to agree and since the death of Armin's parents, they have always been closer than ever.

"Have you met the new student?" asked Armin

Eren raised an eyebrow and said "What new student?"

"I heard from many people there was a new student or students since they did mention one was a boy and the other a girl, I haven't met them so I thought you did," answered Armin, "I asked the other and only Annie met the new girl, she didn't listen for her name and boy is still unknown."

"They must be interesting to be talked about a lot." Said Eren

"Boys say the girl is beautiful and the girls say the boy is hot, so they must be relatives or something," said Armin

"We still have two classes left so we might meet one of them, I am getting curious about who they are, " said Eren

"Yeah, you are right."

"Good now Armin, please explain to me what this English homework says."

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

After lunch, everybody left for their next class. Eren and Armin had the same biology class together. Eren's best class. They got into the classroom and sat in their usual seats. The teacher then arrived.

"Hello, students before we start our work I would like to announce that we have a new student, " said the teacher "Come inside young lady and introduce yourself."

A beautiful girl with long black hair, pale soft skin, and beautiful dark eyes came inside. "Nice to meet you all, Mikasa Ackerman, "

Eren whispered to Armin "They weren't kidding, she is pretty" to which Armin nodded

Armin and Eren found girls pretty physical but they both didn't feel that attraction towards girls but they had to admit that a girl is pretty.

"Now Ms. Ackerman you will be sitting next to Mr. Yeager." said the teacher "Mr. Yeager would you please raise your hand."

Eren did as told and noticed the girl smiled at him but in an instant, she went back to a blank expression. Mikasa sat where she was told and just listen to the teacher's institutions.

Eren had this urge to talk to her because she seemed lonely. After the teacher stopped talking and gave everyone their homework he gave everyone free time since there was still a lot of time left in class and Eren used the opportunity to talk to Mikasa.

"Hi, Eren Yeager and I were wondering if you want help with your work?" he asked

Mikasa looked at him and smiled and said "Mikasa Ackerman as you heard and sure."

Eren smiled at her and help Mikasa with her work.

"Do you want to be friends?" he asked her

"Sure," she said with a smile

They chatted while working on their assignments, Eren also introduced Armin to Mikasa, and they bonded quickly.

The class ended and they agreed to meet after school.

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were talking outside next to the Sakura tree while they waited for their rides home. Their houses weren't far and they could walk if they wanted but Eren's parents agreed to pick both him and Armin since Armin was going to sleepover since his grandpa was working late today.

"Why did you come to Wall Maria High?" Eren asked Mikasa

"I have always lived here but I was homeschooled," answered Mikasa "Recently my mother decided that I should go to a regular school since her work needs some more time invested into it and I need friends to talk to."

"What does she work as?" asked Armin

"She owns a coffee shop next to Shiganshina street."

Eren and Armin look at each other. "We live in Shiganshina street and we heard of the coffee shop just never been there," answered Eren

"Oh really then we live close by, " said Mikasa

"Where do you live, Mikasa?" asked Armin

"The coffee shop is also my house," said Mikasa "The front of the house is the cafe and the back is a regular house but there is a lot of wood so you can barely see the back."

"That is cool, " said Eren, and Armin nodded.

"Hey that can be our meeting place from now on," said Armin

Eren smiled and nodded and Mikasa smiled too.

"Is that ok with you, Mikasa?"

"Of course, Armin,"

Eren saw his parents pulling up in the parking lot.

"Aww Mikasa we have to go but we'll see you tomorrow," said Eren standing up "Unless you want a ride?"

"Nah I'm good but thanks," she said with a smile "I'll see you guys tomorrow, "

"Ok then see you, " said Armin with a wave

"Oh here this is my phone number and this one is Armin's," said Eren giving Mikasa two pieces of paper

Mikasa took them with a smile and quickly wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and Eren happily took it and started to walk away.

Eren waved at her but was not paying attention to where he was going and bumped into someone and Eren fell to the ground

"Oi, brat watch where you are going." said a guys voice

Eren looked up from the ground and a handsome-looking guy who looked like Mikasa just shorter and blue and grey mixed eyes.

Eren got up and apologized and was about to head to his car but heard the attractive stranger say "Mikasa come on." and walks away

Mikasa was following after the stranger but stopped to talk to Eren

"Are you alright?" she asked

"Yeah, who was he?" asked Eren

"My older brother, Levi," she answers "I have to go before he starts annoying me."

Mikasa left for her brother and Eren just got to his car and thought 'I made a new best friend and she is great.'

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