Chapter 9

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Two days had passed since the English test, Eren was currently sitting down with Levi at their usual under the tree spot.

Eren felt nervous about showing Levi his test score but Levi kept saying "Are you going to show it to me or I am going to assume and beat our ass, "

Eren finally gave in and hand it his test to Levi while shaking.

Levi took it and read through it carefully while Eren was praying in his head while closing his eyes.

"You are a lucky brat, "

Eren eyes immediately shot open and he took panting while touching his heart.

"Oh thank God, "

Levi chuckled and said "Really brat you are that scared of me,"

Eren felt himself calming down and said "Well yeah after hearing you threatening me like that how wouldn't I be, "

Eren received a smack by his test rolled up and got it got back into his hands.

"Well, then next time I expect a B, today you got lucky, one more wrong answer and you C would be D right now, " said Levi

Eren looked at his test and smiled at it and Levi. Levi just gave a not caring look but Eren didn't mind.

Just then Eren saw a pair of girls whispering something to each other while they looked at Eren but he also noticed that Levi was also getting stared at. Levi glared at them and they immediately left.

Eren looked at Levi and said "Have you been getting weird looks too, "

Levi just nodded and looked away.

"Do you know why they are looking at as that way?"

"Like hell, I know, " said Levi

"I have been getting looks like that from my friends too, " said Eren while thinking what in the name of God could be causing these weird looks

"So have I but mostly from Mikasa, I could care less about anyone else looking at me stupidly but my sister is too much," said Levi

Eren thought for a second and "Let me see if Armin will tell me since it's easy to make him reveal the truth,"

Levi just nodded and laid on the grass.

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

Eren went up to Armin who was talking to his boyfriend like usual.

"Armin, can I speak to you for a minute?"

Armin just said ok and excuse himself from Erwin

"What is it, Eren?"

"You must know why Levi and I are getting weird looks from almost everyone in school and don't try to deny it because you have been giving me those looks too, "

"I-i don't k-know, " clearly lying and was stuttering like crazy

"Armin you know you are a horrible liar so just tell me already, "

Armin sighed, quite loudly and then showed Eren the photo Eren had taken with Levi a few weeks ago.

Eren gave Armin a confused look while Armin started explaining

"Well you see, after you and Levi took this photo together people started assuming you guys were great friends but the more you guys kept appearing in each other post people begun assuming that you guys were more than that, "

Now Eren was more confuse

Armin sighed and said "All of us were also thinking that since you and he seem to enjoy each others company and Mikasa even said that it is the first time she has seen her brother actually not too bothered by someone's company, " while giving Eren a curious look

Eren was shocked but got his composure together.

"Uh thanks, Armin, and also no we are not together like that we are just hanging out together that's all, "

Armin nodded and said he will let everyone know.

Eren headed back to Levi. He was very overwhelmed by the information he was just told.

Very strange that people would think that he and Levi were a couple when they were just doing things normal friends did. At least in his head, they were just being normal friends.

Eren wondered how Levi would take the information.

To Eren, Levi had become someone very important to him, sure he was mean, aggressive, cocky, and very unexpressive but Eren never minded because Levi was also funny, reliable, self-control, and confident, many traits that people barely had now. Eren enjoyed his time with Levi dearly as he would with any friend.

Eren sat down next to Levi and explained the whole thing.

"Well people sure are idiots, " said Levi with a chuckle after a long pause "Who would want to go out with a brat who can't still doesn't know the difference between a verb and an adjective,"

Eren gave him the 'are you serious' face and said "Is that the only thing you are worried about?"

Levi rolled his eyes and said, "Clearly what else would bother me?"

Eren was immediately regretting thinking nice things about Levi while Levi just gave a little laugh at his face.

"Anyways I see no problem with people believing that as long as there isn't idiot bothering I don't care because I know the truth, " said Levi back to a no emotional face

Eren looked away and thought that the rulers didn't bother him just how people reacted but it isn't doing him any harm at least nothing yet.

Levi gave Eren a confused look while leaning his head to the left a bit.

"If it bothers you then we can clear it up if you want, " said Levi out of the blue

Eren quickly turned his head to look at Levi with a confused look but the realization hit him.

"I d-don't mind it's just that it was unexpected that all, " said Eren with a red face after the stutter he gave

Eren was surprised by how considerate Levi was. Now he was embarrassed by how he stuttered. Normally he never stuttered but now he was a mess but Levi didn't seem to mind since he didn't laugh or say anything just looked at Eren without saying anything.

Soon Eren got his composure back and said "I don't think we should do something about it because I don't mind either so it's fine, "

"You sure?" asked Levi

Eren just nodded.

They just stayed silent and soon they put their backs to the tree they were under. They looked at planes, birds, and even clouds while breathing fresh air and enjoy each other's company in silence. No negative energy around just simple peace.

As they watch the sky Levi laid his head on Eren's shoulder and Eren a little embarrassed at first soon put his head on top of Levi's. They both kept sitting there without a word and both of them not planning to say one at all. The bond between the both of them was greater than ever and even they knew that even if they didn't say it.

While in the state Eren's flooded with one thing.

We are friends with a unique bond.

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