Chapter 10

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A month has passed since Eren and Levi figured out about the rumors. Ever since then instead of creating distance to not spread the rumors they have been closer than ever.

Levi and Eren have been spending time together after school. They study together, play video games or have sleepovers sometimes.

Eren has gotten used to the weird looks he still receives but he has been getting bothered by Floch more consistently now, so to avoid having another confrontation he has been asking his friends to walk him to class.

Today was a Monday with no school, so Eren made plans to go to the movies with Levi since all his other friends went to one of Connie's parties that he throws when his parents leave him home alone which is every two weeks.

Currently, Eren was in Ackermans' house eating dinner with just Levi since Ms. Ackerman was just closing up the cafe and Mikasa went to Connie's party.

"So at what time does the movie start?" asked Eren

"At six, " answered Levi keeping eye contact with his phone

It was 4:47 and the movies weren't too far so they could make it in time.

They finished dinner and left for the movies.

Levi and Eren agreed on a horror movie. They watch one once when Eren came over one time. Eren jumped a few times but Levi was unimpressed by every jump scare, he just didn't scare at all.

They arrived at the movie theater and Eren was going to pay for his things but Levi did it for him.

"You didn't have to pay for me, " said Eren

"I know brat but I didn't want you to waste your money, " said Levi

Eren just smiled and was glad that Levi was generous even if his word said the opposite.

They went to the in the movie and picked sits and enjoy their time there

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

"Did you like the movie?" asked Eren as he got in Levi's car

Levi just shrugged and said "It wasn't terrible, "

Eren smile and noticed that it was only 7:30 and he had told his mom he would be back at 9. Eren was sure what he was going to do in the meantime.

Almost like reading his mind, Levi spoke, "Do you want to go to the beach that is nearby, if you want?"

Eren smiled and said "Sure I have time, "

Levi started the car drove them there.

They arrived at the beach and noticed there was no one but them. The moonlight reflected the water very beautifully. The sand was a bit cool since it was still Fall season.

Eren and Levi had removed their shoes and walked around for a bit. They talked about school, friends, hobbies, and the past.

Eren during the conversation learned a few things about Levi. In school, he was making A's on everything like usual and was getting asked out constantly by the girls. Friends nothing new just that Hanji was trying to test something in chemistry but ended up exploding the test tubes. Hobbies besides his military training, Levi played bowling.

In the past, Levi explained that his father left his mother after Mikasa was born. Levi doesn't know why and doesn't remember him but explains that he doesn't care to meet him.

Eren was going to apologize for bringing up the subject of the past but Levi told him it was fine since he didn't mind.

Eren felt awkward after that. Eren didn't understand the pain that Levi experience since he had never experienced that himself.

They stayed silent for a while until Eren noticed they were right next to the water.

Eren grabbed Levi's hand and dragged him along into the water. The water was cold but Eren didn't care.

"Oi brat!"

Eren ignored Levi's protests and ran into the currents while laughing.

He soon came to a stop and turned to look at Levi, who looked at Eren with an annoyed face

"Come on, have fun, " said Eren with a small giggle

Levi groaned but didn't attempt to free himself from Eren's grip.

Eren took Levi to where the water reached their waist.

Levi seemed disgusted maybe because his clothes are now wet luckily they left their cell phones in the car.

Eren splashed water on Levi's face while laughing. Levi gave him the are you serious face and returned the action with a warm smile that strangely made Eren cheeks heat up for a second.

They swam, played with the water, and splash it on each other's faces.

Eren then came up with an idea that was most likely going to get him killed but at that moment he didn't care.


Eren ran as fast as he could from his angry friend while laughing but on the inside, he felt some fear.

"Levi sorry but it was funny, " said Eren still running while Levi chased him on the sand.

"Pushing me into the water while I was facing away from you isn't funny!!!"

Levi kept chasing Eren until Eren's legs gave up gave Levi the chance to grab him by the back of his shirt.

"Levi please forgive me!" said Eren already scare of what was going to do.

Levi didn't listen and threw Eren on the sand first and then the water.

Eren came back from his punishment and saw Levi just sitting on the sand watching the sky and water that had a clear view of the moon. Eren decided to sit next to him.

"I am sorry," said Levi still looking out at the sky and water

Eren looked at him in surprise and said "Don't worry about it I deserved it, " with a chuckle

Eren was silent for a bit until something came back to his mind.

"You actually said my name for the first but who knew you would sound like my mom saying it," said Eren with a smile

Levi just smile but didn't say a word. Eren didn't mind and just started at what Levi was seeing. It was beautiful.

They sat there just admiring the view. At some point Eren's hand accidentally landed on Levi's but when he saw that Levi had no problem with it he left it there until it was time to leave.

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