Chapter 24

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"It's fucking crowded," said Levi

"No shit," said Eren

They had just arrived downtown to see the countdown and fireworks but just as they thought it was crowded.

"Over there, there's room," said Annie pointing to and empty space to park the car

Levi managed to get the spot on time and then everyone got out of the car.

"The fireworks won't start in another 20 minutes," said Mikasa as she grabbed Annie's hand

"Then let go eat," said Eren with a smile

They head to taco food truck that had benches which went against Levi's clean environment

"How can you sit on this?" said Levi to Eren as Annie and Mikasa went to order food

Eren laughed as he saw Levi placing a piece of cloth that he always brought along on to the bench and sat on it

"Come on Levi it isn't going to kill you,"

"Do you have any idea on how many germs are on these benches?"

"Not enough to kill you," replied Eren while rolling his eyes

"Don't get smart with me," said Levi

"Ok ok," said Eren putting his hands up in defense

Soon Mikasa and Annie returned with the food

"Where is everyone else?" asked Mikasa as she started to eat

"Jean, Marco, Sasha, and Connie are getting food from Burger King," started explaining Eren "Armin, Erwin, Hitch, Marlo, Ymir and Historia are finding spots to sit and Hange is trying to make their own fireworks, they dragged Reiner, Bert and their boyfriend Moblit."

Mikasa chuckled a little at the thought of them making fireworks.

They ate quietly but a little bit quickly as to not miss the countdown and fireworks.

"Guys over here!" yelled Historia as to show them where their spots were

As soon they got to there spots the countdown started going

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" shouted everybody as the fireworks started going off

Eren smiled happily but then he started looking around and noticed that all the couples were kissing, including his group of friends
(Hitch x Marlo, Annie x Mikasa, Armin x Erwin, Reiner x Bert, Ymir x Historia, Jean x Marco, Connie x Sasha, Hange x Moblit)

Eren and Levi were the only ones who didn't kiss in there group. Just in that moment it hit Eren just how he was the only one without a partner and also that the person that he liked was next to him not even caring about what was going on around him

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Huh?" said Eren as his mind was full of thoughts

Levi rolled his eyes and said "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

The fireworks were still going off but he didn't want to stay being everybody else's third wheel and then Eren realized that maybe Levi didn't want to either

"Sure!" said Eren with a smile

They walked alway without noticing the smirk of a certain younger sister with raven hair

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

"Wow they are beautiful!" said Eren

"They are loud as shit though," said Levi

Eren just chuckled and then asked "How did you know about this place?"

"I hangout here every once in a while," said Levi

Levi had taken Eren on top of a hill that almost no one came to and it gave them a perfect view of not only the fireworks but the stars too. The fireworks stopped most likely because the next set was getting ready. Eren and Levi sat on the ground next to a tree

"What did you think?" said Eren

"They were alright," said Levi

"Aww come on Levi," said Eren with a teasing tone "You said the same thing about the ones we went to see at the fair,"

Levi just shrugged and just looked at Eren

Eren looked back at him and at that moment he noticed that him and Levi were close, both of their shoulders briefly brushed against each other. He also saw how Levi's face glowed beautifully under the moon light.

This realization made Eren blush a little making him look ahead at the moon and stars.

Suddenly Levi decided to grab Eren's hand.

If it was someone else that did that, Eren would have just brush it off but this was Levi, the Levi he had a huge crush on. How could he not feel like he could die

Eren managed to build enough courage to look at Levi and saw that he was looking up at the stars.

Eren remembered the day him and Levi went outside to look at the stars. He had the same calm and enchanted expression on his face like on that night.

Suddenly the next set of fireworks went off, this caught Eren's attention and he ignored his feelings for the seventeen year old next to him, holding his hand

Eren noticed that Levi started to look at him almost like if he wanted to tell him something but it seemed like he was holding back

The atmosphere seemed to change a little. It didn't feel just friendly. Eren remembered this feeling it was the same one like that time in the bathroom when Levi was tending to Eren's hand but only this time it felt stronger.

It felt almost exactly as how they kissed under that mistletoe on Christmas.

Eren saw that Levi started to lean his head forward and out of instinct he did the same. They kept getting closer and closer, to the point Eren could feeling Levi's breath on his face

Eren tilted his head and closed his eyes and it happened.

They kissed.

Eren's mind went blank and his body instinctively wrapped his arms around Levi's neck. Levi's went around Eren's waist.

The kissed was simple, just sweet. Nothing heated and nothing slow, just sweet

After they parted nothing was said between the both of them.

Eren surprisingly didn't feel embarrassed or shy almost if he could understand that what he has felt for Levi this whole time has been accepted by Levi.

They starred into each others eyes for sometime and then Eren smiled and placed his head on Levi's shoulder and Levi placed his head gently on Eren's head

They both shared a mutual understanding that didn't need to be said.

They will talk later but for now they just wanted to enjoy the moment they have together.

And we are back!!!
I greatly apologize for my very long delay but many things happen that you forget about some of your things. So anyways I will try my best to finish this story and for some information this story only contains 30 chapters so we are close to the end! Hopefully with a bit of faith I can get this story to the end.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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