Chapter 7

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Eren suddenly woke up. It was 8 in the morning. Immediately he noticed that he was in a different bedroom and tried to sit up but also noticed someone was on top of him. Eren tried to moved Levi without waking him up but utterly failed.

Levi looked at him and said, "Why are you still here?"

"I don't know I think I spent the night here," Eren said shrugging but then he realized and shot up from the bed "oh shit I didn't tell my mom!"

Levi chucked at him and handed him his phone. Eren quickly noticed that had many miss calls from his mom, Now he was scared. He pressed one of the missed calls and not even two rings his mom picked up.

Eren put the phone call in speaker mode.

That was a mistake.


Eren's mom was so loud that Levi had to cover his ears. Eren looked very scared.

"Mom, I'm sorry but I ended up sleeping over at a friend's house by accident, I promise I wasn't planning on staying here," said Eren shaking a bit while Levi was trying his hardest not to laugh but failed as a chuckle escape his lips.

Eren just blushed in embarrassment and heard his mom take a deep breath and say "Who's friend's house are at and don't lie to me saying you are with Armin, I already called there,"

"I am at my friends, Levi and Mikasa's house they live at the cafe next to Shiganshina road, why?"

"I am going to pick you up there and I expect you to be there."

"Yes, mom, "

"Alright then see you in an hour, " she said and hung up

Eren groaned and let himself fall on Levi's bed.

"Oi brat, get up or you are making the bed, "

Eren groan but got up

"Your mom sounded pissed, " said Levi with a smirk

Eren didn't say anything not after his mom had yelled at him

There was a knock on the door.

"Levi, Eren, Mom said breakfast is ready, " said the voice of Mikasa and they listen as footsteps left the door.

"I think she knows I spend the night, " said Eren

Levi just rolled his eyes and didn't say anything, just continue making the bed

Eren looked at himself in the mirror and saw a mess.

"Can I use your bathroom?"

Levi gave a simple "sure".

Eren walked to the bathroom and cleaned himself up.

When he back to the room he saw Levi shirtless and for some reason, he felt like his face was on fire. He thanked the lord Levi was facing away from him since he was looking in his closest.

Eren saw how nicely define Levi was and saw his muscles and Eren swore he caught a glimpse of abs.

Eren got his composure together and calmed down. He wondered why was he all of a sudden cluster by Levi's body. He has seen other men shirtless before how was Levi any different. Eren just brushed it off as just him not use to seeing a muscular guy.

They both went to the kitchen and saw a beautiful breakfast ready. Eren got enchanted by the smell, it smelled just as good as his mother's.

"Morning boys, " said Ms. Ackerman

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