Chapter 6

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Eren was in hell once again or known as English as everyone knew it as. Today was the worst, he had a pop quiz. Eren studied but he couldn't remember any of what he studied.

Eren finished the assignment last and after that, the bell rang. Eren took a picture of the assignment before turning it in so he could get Armin to explain it to him. As he walked to his usual lunch table he noticed he was getting odd looks every once in a while but he brushed them off.

Eren arrived to see Erwin, Hanji, and Levi we're with his friends' group. Levi looked at him and his face read "help me". He saw what he meant and sees that Armin and Erwin are talking or flirting and Hanji is playing a board game with Connie but she keeps doing a weird dance when she wins. Levi was sitting in the middle of them so he was extremely annoyed.

Mikasa was with Annie under a tree, so were Marco and Jean, and Hitch and Marlo. Sasha and Connie, we're at the table playing with Hanji and eating, Historia and Ymir were hugging while they were studying.

Eren decided to get Levi out of there. He waved at Levi to come over and sit under a tree with him, which was far away from everyone. Levi obviously agreed, anything to get out of there.

"Hey brat, thanks, you saved my ass, "

"No problem, " said Eren "So they are already coming along well,"

"I guess so but it has become a headache now, " said Levi with an annoyed look "And don't even get me started with Mika, "

Eren chuckled at Levi's face and said "Are her and Annie official?"

"Not that I am aware, "

Eren shrugged and said "Looks like Armin isn't going to help me today with English, "

"I can help you if want brat, " suggested Levi

"Oh thank you, you don't know how lost I am, "

"Let me see then, "

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

"Are really that stupid?" said Levi "You are fifteen years old for fuck sake"

"I just confused an adjective for a verb what is the problem with that?"

"The problem is that you will mess up the whole problem like that, "

For the past minutes, Levi has been trying to explain to Eren why his answer is wrong but Eren kept insisting that he did it right. They were both sitting under a tree with their backs to it.

Levi got tired of trying to explain it to Eren so he put his head on Eren's shoulder. Eren didn't mind because most of his friends did that so he found it natural. Eren gave up too and lean his on the tree.

They both stayed there for a while letting the silence take over them. They looked at the sky and tree and fell at peace. They saw planes go by and birds. The air was fresh and calming. Eren put his head on Levi's and relaxed. Levi felt warm to Eren, Levi didn't seem to mind so they just stayed like that, together, just enjoyed each other's company, and didn't seem to mind anything else.

They pulled away when they heard the school bell ring. They packed their things and Levi gave him a quick reminder of what he help him with.

When Eren said he understood, Levi slapped him on the back of the head.

"What was that for?"

"I know when you are lying, " said Levi "You didn't get shit did you?"

Eren knew he shouldn't lie especially not to Levi. Mikasa warned Eren that Levi can detect lies easily and she doesn't know how all she knows is that he can.

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