Chapter 12

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In the end, Eren and Levi spent their weekend together again.

They didn't do much but play video games and talk while walking around the park.

Right now they were in school. They had their usual routine of meeting and going together to school.

Levi had told Eren earlier to meet him on the first floor during Eren's English class since Eren, like usual, didn't understand the lesson he was having so, Levi told him that he would give him a quick lesson on it.

Eren was currently heading there while contemplating how on Earth he was going to pass English. Right now passing English is just an impossible dream but hopefully with Levi it would become a reality.

Eren was just about to go down the stairs that lead to the first floor when suddenly was grabbed by the wrist by someone and pin to the wall next to the stairs.

Just Eren's luck having to encounter Floch Forster.

"Eren please tell me you are not dating that midget," said Floch with a stupid smirk on his face

Floch hadn't bothered Eren at all for a while but he did give him smirks or irritated faces.

Eren didn't want to deal with Floch right now so he tried to walk past him. Keyword tried

"Eren, come on, answer me, " said Floch but this time with a hint of irritation in his voice
"Please tell me it isn't true because you and I both know you will in up with me, "

Eren was about to answer and argue but saw no point in it when Levi had shown up out nowhere, like usual, and like last time beat the shit out, Floch.

After having Floch on the ground with a bruised cheek, Levi took Eren's hand and dragged him away.

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

They went to the restroom on the first floor.

"What did that son of a b*tch want this time?" asked Levi immediately after getting inside the restroom

"He wanted to know if you and I were a thing, " said Eren immediately feeling embarrassed after saying it

Levi just rolled his eyes seeming pissed.

"What did you answer?"

"I didn't answer, " said Eren

Levi then seemed to go into thinking mode then suddenly something must of click like a lightbulb turning on in his brain.

"I think we can use these rumors to our advantage,"

Now Eren was lost.

"What do you mean?" asked Eren

"Since you didn't answer that asshole we can use the rumors for him to get the hint that you are not ever going to be with him but to do that we have to in force the rumors," explained Levi

Eren was still confused and clearly showed.

Levi rolled his eyes and said "Let's fake date,"

Now Eren understood

"How would that work and also why did you just suggest that?"

"Think about it brat, if we make him think you are with me he would start losing interest and sure he might seem to be piss at first but he will move on eventually and also because the second option would be to kill him but we can't do that so, "  explained Levi

Eren thought about it and Levi seemed planned properly but it seemed weird to pretend to date his friend, probably his best friend now.

"Wouldn't it be weird?" said Eren

Levi didn't seem faced and said: "To me not but if it bothers you, you don't have to do it, it is just a suggestion, I don't want to make seem like I am forcing you."

Eren seemed happy with that answer but then something else started to bother him.

"Wouldn't our friends find it weird?"

"First of all, they are your friends and they didn't seem too worried about the rumors but I think maybe we can prank them with this too but not just them the whole school,"

"How?" said Eren looking at Levi as if he was losing his marbles but it didn't help that Levi had a straight face the whole time

"We use social media and act around each other like a couple but when someone asked us what we are we just say we are friends that would make even go crazy, " said Levi "but this is only if you want to do this, "

Eren seemed hesitant when he was about to answer so Levi stopped him by raising his hand in front of him and said "You don't have to answer me now, answer when you are ready but right now we have another more important matter, "

"What is it?" said Eren, dumbfound

Levi rolled his eyes and said, "Have you forgotten why we were meeting up in the first place?"

Then it clicked in Eren's brain.

"Oooh, that, " said Eren feeling stupid

"That is right brat now hurry up we wasted a lot of time, "

[Fake Lovers, Kinda]

It was lunchtime and Eren and Levi were at their usual spot under the tree.

"Honestly can you be any less stupid?" said Levi

"You could have said that much nicer, " said Eren but he then felt stupid for saying that after remembering who he was talking to

Eren received a smack behind his head and was forced to review the English lesson they were on.

While at Eren thought about what Levi said earlier about them fake dating.

He loved Levi but not like that just as a friend, so to him it seemed weird to just pretend to date his friend just to get some asshole off his neck.

He didn't mind pranking his friends since they had pranked him a lot before but he didn't know how to get them back for it.

Eren would be lying if he said he didn't want to get rid of Floch and prank the school in the process but somehow he felt like he would be using Levi.

"Oi brat!"

Eren snapped back to reality

"Huh, what?"

"What are you thinking about that is making you daydream and not focus on English?"

"Nothing, " said Eren, knowing damn well that Levi could tell when he was lying so he felt stupid for trying to hide it.

"Don't test me brat, "

"Ok, ok, " said Eren putting his hands up defensively "Well, I was thinking about the plan you told me about earlier, "

"Oh, what about it?"

They were both checking around the area to make sure no one heard them.

"Well I-I feel like this plan could work but I would feel guilty because wouldn't that be like using you?"

Eren looked down after saying that.

"No, it wouldn't because I am the one who suggested this plan, and I voluntarily will agree to this plan if you want to."

Eren looked at Levi and saw a warm smile on his face which he returned

"Levi, let's fake date, "

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