hoodie - arin x binnie

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"Is that my hoodie?"

Arin had been too preoccupied with her phone to notice Binnie come in a at first. Nights were the time when Arin just wanted to relax and unwind, so she let her picture perfect attitude disintegrate behind closed doors. She was known for being slightly cold with people, not that she didn't like them but just because she wasn't super affectionate. She didn't like to be overly loving, she found it slightly cringey.

But then when Binnie walked into their shared bedroom, wearing only a pair of shorts and Arin's favorite pink sweatshirt, Arin swore her heart skipped a beat. The older girl looked homey, lovable, Arin actually wanted to go over and cuddle with her. Binnie's hair was pulled back into a ponytail that had already fallen half out, and her eyes looked tired. It didn't matter, to Arin, she still looked pretty. Not that Arin would ever admit that out loud.

Binnie's eyes widened and she fumbled with the sleeves. "Yes? Is that okay? If you want it back, I can take it off-"

"No no no, it's fine," Arin said with a neutral tone. "You look cute,"

"I do?" Binnie grinned. "But this is like, your favorite hoodie. You wear it everyday,"

This was true, Arin would have been absolutely furious if another member wore it.

"I like it on you," Arin said simply.

Binnie blinked in surprise. "Really?"

"I already said yes," Arin grumbled, turning around in her bed.

After a moment, Arin felt Binnie sliding under the covers next to her. She smelled like shampoo and perfume, Arin hoped that smell would linger on the hoodie when Binnie gave it back. It made her relaxed, and even rooming with Binnie didn't get rid of that feeling.

"Arin, I want your attention," Binnie complained. Her hand tugged at Arin's arm.

"I'm trying to sleep,"

"It's not even that late," Binnie grumbled. She pressed her body against Arin and put her head on the younger's shoulder. "Please?"

Arin's face was a damning red, but she just nodded in acceptance. "Okay, fine,"

She turned over and instantly Binnie wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, smiling to herself when Arin tensed briefly and then let her hands land on Binnie's waist.

"Can I steal more of your clothes?" Binnie asked after a while. "You smell really good, is that weird?"

"Of course you can," Arin mumbled. "I like it,"

Binnie grinned, chuckling. "You must be really tired, Arin would never admit something like that,"

"Arin is trying something new," Arin replied sheepishly.

"Is this flattery? Do you want something from me?" Binnie teased.

"It's the truth," Arin protested. "Geez, I was trying to be nice-"

"I know I know! I'm sorry," Binnie hugged her tighter.

"I'm not that cold, right?" Arin asked quietly. "You know I don't mind being close with you,"

"The other members might think of you as cold," Binnie agreed, smiling softly. "But I know you better than that," She leaned in. "And I know you have that special place in your heart for me,"

Arin blushed. "I do?"

"Definitely," Binnie giggled.

"Is there a special place in your heart for me?" Arin questioned hesitantly, scared to overstep.

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