thunderstorm - jinsol x kim lip

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Jinsol hated to fight with her.

But Jungeun was just so insufferable sometimes. She literally never said what she was thinking, even though her emotions were always written on her face. She was nothing like Jinsol, who always wanted to be honest and open about everything. (Well, there's always a few things she's reluctant to share, but that's not the point.)

But Jinsol didn't always mind Jungeun's standoffishness, sometimes she found it funny or endearing. Not now though, when she found out that Jungeun had been on a date, a date, and Jinsol, as Jungeun's best friend, was the last person in their friend group to hear about it.

"Jungie! Jungie! You should've invited your boyfriend to the resort!" Yerim exclaimed.

Kahei snorted. "No boys allowed, remember?"

"We still demand information about this date," Jiwoo narrowed her eyes. "Jungeun has been suspiciously quiet,"

"Yeah, you never told us how it was," Haseul had her arm wrapped around Sooyoung's neck as they shared a blanket, the cold December air biting at everyone's fingertips.

All her friends were up at a ski resort that Kahei's grandpa owned, and Kahei - being loaded - invited them all to stay up that the lodge for the holidays. Yeojin, Heejin, Jiwoo and Hyeju had been super excited to try all the new mountain, while the rest of the girls were just excited for an all expenses paid trip without their parents. Even though most of them were out of high school and out of their parents houses, broke college students didn't exactly have the money for stuff like this, and Jinsol was glad that Kahei took pity on the 11 other girls and became their friends. She was Wong Kahei, for Christ's sake, she could've chosen anyone, but she chose this random assortment of people.

All the girls were sitting around the tree in the ski lodge, where there were almost no people since most were spending it with their families. Jiwoo had suggested they all spend some time as 12, since there was supposed to be a huge thunder and snow storm that night and it would be fun to play games.

Heejin and Jiwoo cuddled up next to the pair under the blanket, with Chaewon and Yeojin on the ground in front of them, mindlessly messing with the Jenga blocks that had been abandoned.

Kahei and Hyunjin were on the other side of the couch, Hyunjin with an arm slung around her girlfriend's shoulders. Yerim and Hyeju were playing some kind of card game off the side, not even paying attention to the rest of the girls.

Jungeun and Jinsol were also sitting together, although their legs were only lightly brushing again one another as Jinsol paused mid sip of her hot chocolate to look up in surprise at Haseul.

"You-" Jinsol cleared her throat. "You have a boyfriend?"

Jungeun seemed shocked. " was one date,"

"It can't have gone very well if we haven't heard anything," Sooyoung pointed out.

"Wait, why didn't I know about this?" Jinsol asked her point blank. The room goes silent.

Everyone knew that Jungeun and Jinsol were best friends. They were the duo, they were each other's other halves. Jinsol and Jungeun told each other everything, so why did Jungeun keep such a big thing from her?

"I..." Jungeun seemed to be at a loss for words. "I was going to tell you,"

"Did everyone know about this already?" Jinsol asked, not really bothering to hide the fact that she was hurt. When the rest of the girls avoided her eyes, Jinsol took that as an answer; yes.

"I thought she told you," Yerim mumbled.

"Let's talk about something else," Haseul tried to interject.

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