games of the heart - yves x jinsoul x kimlip

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Jungeun hated feelings. They made her feel so complicated, because they made her life complicated. She had always been pretty good at being unreadable, at hiding her emotions, but it was inevitable that someone would figure her out eventually.

"I have feelings for someone," Jiwoo read the card aloud. She smirked. "For someone in the room,"

They were all seated around their shared apartment, in which most of them lived since they went to the same college. Only Hyejoo, Yerim and Yeojin didn't live with them, the rest of their friend group all attended the same university, which was how they all met.

They were all part of the same dance crew, called "Girls of the Month," since they did a new cover every month. It was kind of Jungeun's passion, since not only were the girls of her crew her coworkers, but also her greatest friends.

They were currently seated around the coffee table of the dorm, a couple of soju bottles and a dozen shot glasses out, playing some sort of stupid drinking game that Hyunjin had picked out. What a terrible idea.

"Fuck me," Jungeun mumbled under her breath, downing her soju glass. She should never have agreed to this drinking game. She should've known Jiwoo would rig the questions to mess with her. Jiwoo, her best friend since high school, was who she could always count on to mess with Jungeun's love life.

And social life, apparently, because as soon as Jungeun drank, the table erupted into chaos.

"Who exactly was that comment directed to?" Hyunjin wiggled her eyebrows, and laughed as Jungeun scowled at her.

"Me perhaps?" Heejin flexed her arms, blowing a kiss at Jungeun who had the extreme displeasure of sitting next to her.

"Definitely me," Haseul said, winking at her friend. "I know you can't resist this, Jungie,"

"Hard pass," Jungeun said flatly.

"Ah, so we're gonna do order of elimination?" Chaewon laughed, or as Jungeun would say, cackled evilly.

"No!" Jungeun glared at her. "No we are not,"

"Guys, give it up," Kahei shook her head. "It's obviously me,"

"Yep, totally," Jungeun agreed.

"Wait really?" Jiwoo blinked. "Cause I thought it was-"

"JIWOO!" Jungeun shot her a death glare. "You shut your mouth right this instant,"

"Sorry!" Jiwoo held up her hands in defense, but the girls were already on her.


"This is mean,"


"Probably me," Yeojin shrugged. "The ladies can't resist me,"

"The ladies can calm their tits, you're a minor," Hyejoo rolled her eyes.

"So are you?" Yeojin made a face.

"Well Jungeun doesn't like either of us," Hyejoo said. She turned to Jungeun. "Right?"

"Wha- of course not?" Jungeun gagged. "The fuck?"

Kahei inspected her Soju as she thought. "Okay, so it's not a minor-"

"You need help, all of you,"

"-Not Haseul, then which one of us is it?"

"I'm still convinced it's me," Heejin put her hand on Jungeun's pale thigh and winked, and Jungeun had never wanted to die more in her life than that moment.

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