i did it for you - winter x karina

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"It's so hard to buy cigarettes these days, the Kmart staff have gotten stricter about their age restrictions," Aeri grumbled under her breath, watching Jimin take out the last cigarette from the pack.

"I know, I'm almost out," Jimin agreed. "It sucks, but I'm sure we can get someone to buy it for us,"

Jimin, Aeri and Minjeong sat waiting for the bus to arrive, side by side while Aeri searched her pockets and Minjeong took pictures with her phone of the scenery.

"They'd probably recognize either of our faces, huh?" Aeri laughed. "God, I'm so sick of this place,"

"Agreed," Said Jimin. "One more year, then we're free,"

"Not Minjeong," Aeri nudged Jimin and nodded towards their fair-haired friend. "She'll be stuck here without us,"

The three of them were sitting together, but Jimin and Aeri were side by side while Minjeong was at the end.

"I'll be fine," Minjeong replied easily, her back turned on the two older girls.

"You're not gonna miss us?" Aeri joked. "I'm hurt,"

Jimin watched her with narrowed eyes. "Why are you taking pictures of a bush?"

Minjeong looked back at her, frowning slightly. "I thought it was pretty,"

Jimin shrugged her shoulders and turned back to Aeri. "Minjeong is too weird to get new friends, we should take care of her,"

"I'm not weird!" Minjeong protested. "You guys just don't understand,"

"Sure we don't," Jimin held out the cigarette to Minjeong. "Here. Try it,"

Minjeong looked up at her friend. "What kind of friend are you? You know that kind of thing isn't good for you,"

Jimin rolled her eyes. "Take it, Minjeong-ssi, it's not the end of the world,"

"Congrats Minjeong, your first cigarette," Aeri cheered. "I'm a little upset that it wasn't offered to me, but whatever,"

Jimin ignored her. "Come on, Minjeong. Try it,"

Minjeong slowly took the cigarette from Jimin's hands, but instead of lighting it, broke it in two. She tossed it onto the ground turning back to her friends with a cold expression.

"No!" Jimin and Aeri both cried.

"That's a bad idea and you know it," Minjeong said pointedly. She raised a brow when Jimin opened and closed her mouth, debating whether or not to argue.

"You didn't have to break it, you could've just said no," Aeri grumbled.

"Who's that?" Jimin nodded to a girl walking towards them.

"I think that's the new girl," Minjeong followed her eyes. "She transferred here a week or two ago. Should we go say hi?"

Jimin watched the girl in question. She was walking towards them but still a ways off. Her hair was long and dark, going past her shoulders stopping Jimin from getting a good look at her face. She walked slowly, head down turned and shoulders slumped.

"No way, haven't you heard about her?" Aeri whispered. "She's like, crazy,"

"Crazy?" Jimin repeated. "In what way?"

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