im not jealous! - jinsoul x hyunjin

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request: @rainss_08

Jinsoul knew Hyunjin was pretty, for God's sakes she was dating the girl, but it kind of irked her that others thought so too.

It was very apparent to anyone who took even one look at Hyunjin. She was just so effortlessly gorgeous, so shockingly beautiful that it was almost unbelievable. She didn't have to try and be attractive, she just naturally was. She drew people in, she drew Jinsoul in. Jinsoul loved that about her, how charming she was, and she couldn't exactly blame other girls for being attracted to it.

She could however, blame them when they started acting on it.

"That's like the third time Heejin has texted you today," Jinsoul mumbled from Hyunjin's lap. Her body was splayed across the couch with her head on the younger's legs, while they watched some dumb new Hulu series. Jinsoul wasn't really paying attention anymore, the dinging of Hyunjin's phone being far more interesting. It was on the table in front of them, and Jinsoul frowned at it when the screen lit up with yet another message.

"Huh, odd," Hyunjin said absentmindedly.

"What did you think of her?" Jinsoul asked cautiously. "When we met her at that party,"

Hyunjin looked down at her girlfriend with a smile. "There's a wrong answer here, isn't there?"

Jinsoul blushed and huffed. "There's a preferred answer,"

"Well, the fact that you're mentally keeping track of when she texts me means you thought she was pretty, and since you brought it up..." Hyunjin poked her side. "Jealous?"

"No!" Jinsoul groaned, sitting up. "I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous. It was just a question,"

"Mhm. Well, I thought she was nice and we got along well, that was all,"

"That's clearly not what she thinks, trying to text you so much," Jinsoul grumbled.

"I'm not going to be mean and ghost her. Plus, we've had some good conversations,"

Jinsoul ears perked. "You have?"

"Okay, now you really look jealous," Hyunjin laughed. "It's no big deal, Soli, really,"

Jinsoul frowned a little and shrugged. "If she tries anything though..."

"Sol, that has never been an issue," Hyunjin flicked her. "I like you, hm?"

"Yeah you do," Jinsoul smiled half heartedly. "Not sure why,"

"That's for me to know and you to wonder," Hyunjin replied absentmindedly, refocusing on her show. She ignored yet another text from Heejin.

Jinsoul fidgeted uncomfortably. How long till Hyunjin realized Jinsoul wasn't good enough for her?


Jinsoul couldn't sleep.

Hyunjin was peacefully snoring on her stomach, tired from her photo shoot that night. Jinsoul had accompanied her to the studio, happy to be a supportive girlfriend and see Hyunjin in action. The younger woman did an amazing job, as her per usual, and Jinsoul was proud of her.

What stayed on her mind though was how many jaw dropping woman her girlfriend worked with. Some of them looked like they should be in front of the camera and not behind it, and Jinsoul couldn't help but feel insecure around them. If they was what Hyunjin got to see everyday, it was only a matter of time before her standards surpassed her girlfriend and Jinsoul got left behind.

Jinsoul slipped out from under the covers and made her way out of the bedroom, needing to stretch and get water to try and sleep again.

She stood against the kitchen counter, her fingers massaging her temples and listening to the dull roar of the fridge and the ice maker.

Jinsoul almost jumped in surprise when she felt a pair of hands on her hips and Hyunjin's body wrap around her own.

"Hmm, you left me," Hyunjin mumbled into her shoulder. "I was cold without you,"

Jinsoul sighed reluctantly. "I'll come back soon, you need sleep,"

"How could I sleep without you?" Hyunjin kissed her earlobe. "What's keeping you awake, love?"

Jinsoul felt Hyunjin's hands stroke her waist gently and relaxed into it. It was too late at night for Jinsoul to be worrying the way she was, but she also knew that she needed to be honest about stuff like this.

"The girl from your shoot today," Jinsoul mumbled.

"Which one?"

"The, uh, blonde one. With the camera," Jinsoul stammered.


", the older one,"


"Her," Jinsoul bit her lip. "Just...seeing her with you, it made me feel weird,"

Hyunjin nodded slowly. "I see,"

"I don't want you to think I don't support you," Jinsoul turned around and put her hands on Hyunjin's hips, leaning into the counter. "Because I do support you, I'm so proud of how far you've come,"

Hyunjin grinned. "That means the world to me,"

"...but your never mentioned all these girls,"

Hyunjin shrugged. "Do I need to?"

Jinsoul looked down. "No, of course not. It's's unlike you not to. You know all my friends, the people I hang out with," She chewed her lip nervously. "It feels like you were keeping it from me,"

Hyunjin laughed, and Jinsoul felt even more stupid.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd get insecure," Hyunjin stroked her cheek.

"This is worse though!" Jinsoul argued with red cheeks. "Now I feel like an idiot because I don't know what's going on in my girlfriend's life and she doesn't tell me cause I'm an insecure idiot,"

Hyunjin kissed her forehead. "You are absolutely an idiot, and you can be insecure," She pressed their bodies together and smiled as her hands wrapped around the older girl. "But when has that meant I'm not absolutely in love with you?"

Jinsoul was flustered, to say the least. She squeaked when Hyunjin squeezed her ass and smiled in embarrassment. "Stop it..."

"Because I am," Hyunjin said softly. "I love you more than I show. You're special to me and no other girl could ever replace you," She kissed Jinsoul's temple. "Besides, who's to say I don't get jealous sometimes too?"

Jinsoul's eyes were wide and innocent. "Wha? Of who?"

Feeling very put on the spot, Hyunjin cleared her throat and looked away. "Well, you know, Haseul is really pretty and Sooyoung is just...Sooyoung. You've always been so close to Yerim and everything..." She smiled. "I don't know,"

Jinsoul laughed incredulously. "That's impossible. Not when you're you and I'm me,"

Hyunjin giggled. "I'm pretty great, aren't I?" She placed a languid kiss on Jinsoul's collarbone. "But to you, no one compares, not even me,"

Jinsoul smiled gratefully and stroked a sleepy Hyunjin's hair. "C'mon, sleepyhead, you need to go back to bed,"

"Hmm, I told you I can't sleep without you," Hyunjin murmured.

Jinsoul licked her lips. "We don't have to sleep at all you know,"

Hyunjin pulled her back to the bedroom and they forgot all about the girls from Hyunjin's photo shoot.

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