partner in crime - heejin x hyunjin

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Hyunjin thought she was pretty good at what she did.

As far as bounty hunter went, being well known on a public scale wasn't a good thing, but if her notability matched her talent then she'd be globally recognized; a woman who could could get the job done, tracking down criminals and wanted prisoners, never losing a case and always staying absolutely focused on her job. Her job was her life, she loved it. She loved the thrill, the adrenaline, the satisfaction of catching a bad guy and making him pay. Those were the kind of people she was hired to catch; murderers and thieves, corrupt human beings who needed to be brought to justice. Hyunjin was by far the most effective way to detain them.

Maybe one of the reasons she was always able to stay so focused on her job was that unlike her counterparts in this field of work, Hyunjin never found herself distracted by mysterious men or women she met in her travels. Hyunjin was open to the idea of loving either of those, but she had never in her life experienced attraction to either gender, so her judgment could never be clouded by sweet words of her targets. Many tried, even people who were just looking for love. Hyunjin was beautiful, they knew it and she knew it, but no amount of flashy smiles or drink orders could ever sway her. She had a love, being a bounty hunter.

She checked her watch. 9:24. Her target should be arriving any minute now. His name, apparently, was Hansol Ji. He was a relatively unknown ceo of a small tech brand, or that's what he pretended to be. She'd seen his picture too, he really didn't look like much, despite being one of the top suppliers of illegal substances around the world. His company's roots went deep into the heart of the crime organization, and catching him would be an amazing feat for Hyunjin. She really thought this was too easy.

That was the thing, Hansol was the son of the man who had started the whole business, and was unaware of just how much the fbi knew about him. He thought he was safe as low and he laid low, which was a foolish assumption. Though partially, he was right. The fbi weren't looking for him, Hyunjin was, which should almost scare him more.

She had been hired by an anonymous client to apprehend him and bring him in. She was told to bring him alive in whatever condition was necessary, and if he put up a fight, Hyunjin was more that willing to break a few bones. Nothing she hadn't done before.

The rain pattered down onto Hyunjin's black umbrella, creating a soft ambiance around the area that contrasted the gears turning in Hyunjin's mind. He had just left the building he was said to be in, and Hyunjin had spotted him immediately. A black Uber had pulled up in front of him, just on time for his schedule, and Hyunjin pulled out her greatest and most deadly weapon.

That being her gorgeous face.

Hyunjin walking briskly towards him, letting her eyes pretend to drift elsewhere. She pretended to be in thought, like just another person trying to get home. Right as he was about to open the car door, Hyunjin let herself bump into him and pretended to gasp in surprise, falling to her knees and letting her thin stockings get absolutely soaked in the night rain.

It worked like a charm every time, Hyunjin could almost laugh at him.

Hansol looked at her in shock, a dozen apologies immediately leaving his mouth when he realized why this beautiful girl was on the ground in front of him. That was the first thing he noticed, she was beautiful. But now she was also wet, and she looked cold.

"Oh my goodness, forgive me," He helped her up, putting his hand on hers.

"It's alright," Her voice was soft, sweet, like a lovely melody.

"No, I'm the reason you're all covered in rain,"

She laughed girlishly. "Please, don't beat yourself up. I just need to get home," She looked down at her feet and sighed. "Oh, but my feet hurt so dreadfully,"

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